Yep, exact same symptoms... it doesn't register in the window manager at
all. Not sure why, but I'm betting it's Mainwin. :(

On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 8:43 AM, Christoph Muetze <>wrote:

> Hi,
> i can relate, i'm experiencing exactly the same problem :(
> Softimage 2014 ignores the windowmanager completely, when maximized it
> goes beyond the usual borders (almost like fullscreen), it doesn't show up
> in taskbar either and when minimized then it becomes a little icon-like
> square that is floating on top of every other application or window. Also
> it stays fixed to the screen, no matter what workspace i'm on. So switching
> spaces always drags Softimage with, no matter what you do...
> The same behaviour is true for the mainwin control app after the update...
> it's the usual suspect for this, i guess - but it is still noteworthy imho,
> especially since Softimage 2013 still behaves a 100% correctly on the same
> machine... (So do Mudbox 2014 and Maya 2014)..
> If any of the Developers is up for troubleshooting i'm more than willing
> to step in and help out as much as i can on my side... just drop me a line.
> Cheers,
> Chris
> On 07/09/2013 11:54 PM, Alan Fregtman wrote:
>> Hey guys,
>> Anybody out there using Soft2014 with Linux have the problem that it sits
>> always-on-top of every other window?
>> It's pretty annoying and I'm wondering if it's just me. We're on CentOS at
>> work.
>> Cheers,
>>     -- Alan

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