video 8 and 9 is what you want


On 30 July 2013 17:09, Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES] <> wrote:

> Hello,****
> ** **
> I’m trying to use strands again, and what I want to do is have a strand
> act as a trail along a curve. The things I want to achieve are:****
> ** **
> **1.       **Display the strand along a curve starting at any U location
> on a curve.****
> **2.       **Strand length will need to be shorter than the curve,
> typically a percentage of the length of the curve.****
> **3.       **The strand needs to be able to move along the curve
> linearly, regardless the parameterization of the curve.****
> **4.       **Strand needs to be a set color and needs to fade out to
> transparent as it reaches the end of the strand. ****
> **5.       **The strand appearance needs to remain relative to the length
> of the strand as it moves along the curve.****
> ** **
> Using Create Strand from Curves I was able to get some of the position and
> length settings the way I wanted by hacking the compound. However, I’m not
> sure this is the best approach. Further, there appears to be
> parameterization issues with the strand position.****
> ** **
> I’ve been unable to figure out how to accomplish the trail appearance.****
> ** **
> This is new territory for me so I’m not sure if I am approaching this from
> the right direction. Any suggestions would be appreciated.****
> ** **
> --****
> Joey Ponthieux****
> LaRC Information Technology Enhanced Services (LITES)****
> Mymic Technical Services****
> NASA Langley Research Center****
> __________________________________________________****
> Opinions stated here-in are strictly those of the author and do not ****
> represent the opinions of NASA or any other party.****
> ** **

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