I'm no expert on polygonal data structure, so the following might be naive: Why 
not implement both or all three types? There are only a small hand full of 
methods required to query and massage the poly data. These methods could be 
aware of the actual data structure and choose the right code path respectively 
to modify the data, only differing in performance and memory consumption, 
effectively abstracting the actual specialization away from the user/programmer.
Meshes could be created with the least memory hungry data structure by default, 
but could be converted or switched to a different structure if needed manually, 
or even automatically (e.g. for time-consuming en-mass topology editing) for 
better speed at the cost of higher memory consumption. Am I too optimistic?

Hey Philip,

the internal mesh representation is current WIP and will change
dramatically with the next
release. We have been experimenting with winged-edge as well as
half-edge. For data compression
we will hopefully end up with a structure which doesn't hold any
neighboring information until

Once you get access to splice you can have a look at the full source of
the SpliceMesh.kl


On 02.08.2013 11:53, philipp.oeser wrote:
Hi Helge,
Looking forward to this :)
(I actually felt more at home with SCOPs than ICE anyways - old
scripting fart)
regarding FE's internal mesh representation:
is there any info on how this is structured? (half-edge, winged-edge,
radial-edge, something else?)
[e.g. was looking at FE's documentation but couldnt find anything
regarding neighborhood (aka SI's Neighbor*() methods)]

> Helge Mathee <helge.mat...@gmx.net> hat am 2. August 2013 um 11:15
> Hey Eugen,
> anything you can write to within the SDK will eventually be
supported at
> some point.
> The integration I am aiming at for the initial release will have the
> same feature set as the
> maya one. This includes:
> - boolean
> - scalar
> - int
> - string
> - vec3
> - quaternion
> - matrices (kinematics)
> - meshes
> Since we will be providing the integration as source code as well,
> you'll be able to implement missing types in case you require them
> prior to the corresponding service releases.
> -H
> On 02.08.2013 11:03, Eugen Sares wrote:
> > Helge, or Paul, two questions:
> > 1 - is it possible with Splice to write to NURBS as well? Curves,
> > foremost. Surfaces would be interesting for experiments, too.
> > 2 - what about the writing to clusters?
> >
> > I assume Splice can only "move" inside the limits of the SDK.
> > Basically, the classic SDK supports NURBS, but not changing clusters.
> >
> > I'm considering porting my curve and extrusion operators to splice,
> > since they are unfinished yet anyway (JScript).
> > Thanks!
> > Eugen
> >
> >
> > Am 02.08.2013 10:51, schrieb Helge Mathee:
> >> The real issue here is performance. ICE by itself is fast, our core
> >> is fast by itself as well. Now to integrate our core into ICE is
> >> of difficult, essentially due to competition of greedy
schedulers. We
> >> can of course do that by adding a single threaded node inside of
> >> but that kind of defeats the purpose. The lack of flexibility for
> >> procedurally created ports within an ICE node also makes it very
> >> to integrate there.
> >>
> >> Of course you can build ICE nodes for specific purposes. For Horde
> >> for example we've integrated in there, but the data streamed is
> >> trivial (1000 matrices etc). Once you get into millions of particles
> >> the performance will drop.
> >>
> >> I don't think it's required at all to integrate the Splice system
> >> into the ICE graph, since at that point portability won't work
> >>
> >> -H
> >>
> >> On 02.08.2013 10:39, Stefan Kubicek wrote:
> >>> Hi Paul,
> >>>
> >>> one question: Since SPLICE for Softimage will use classic operators
> >>> rather than ICE, I was wondering what the current status is
> >>> regarding FE interaction with ICE. I remember some of your/Helges
> >>> videos where you showed deformations and other things controlled
> >>> through ICE by talking to a CP App through (what looked like
> >>> generic) ICE nodes. Is this still a viable solution? I never found
> >>> any documentation or sample scenes on this (at least not in the
> >>> downloadable packages, I admit I did not scour the Github repo),
> >>> found it really exciting. My hope is that even if SPLICE will
not be
> >>> integrated with ICE I could still use the detour via a CP
> >>> Application (if I understand the concept correctly).
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> Hi everyone - now we're back from Siggraph and recovered, we've
> >>>> started
> >>>> working on Spliced Softimage. Should have a first prototype
next week.
> >>>>
> >>>> https://twitter.com/FabricPaul/status/362975245562437632/photo/1
> >>>>
> >>>> The Hybride guys have been doing some awesome stuff with FE
> >>>> already, so I
> >>>> can't wait to get this into their hands soon :) Eric might stop
> >>>> stalking
> >>>> the Montreal employees as well, which would be nice.
> >>>>
> >>>> A description of Spliced Softimage:
> >>>> Creation:Splice will be integrated into Softimage as a new
class of
> >>>> custom
> >>>> operators. Each operator can be setup using the SpliceEditor IDE,
> >>>> defining
> >>>> ports, adding removing them etc, very much like the Scripted
> >>>> Editor. The IDE will also contain a KL Source Code editor as
well as
> >>>> functionality for dynamically compiling the code etc. Operators
> >>>> defined
> >>>> with the SpliceEditor will become completely portable between all
> >>>> support
> >>>> host applications, such as Maya, Softimage and Nuke, for example.
> >>>>
> >>>> We are not integrating KL into ICE, for a range of reasons.
Splice is
> >>>> targeting areas where ICE doesn't work so well, i.e. Fast
> >>>> geometry, kinematics, simulated rigs, custom OpenGL drawing etc
> >>>> solves the portability issues of moving tools between
> >>>> and as
> >>>> such we try to take a consistent approach within applications.
> >>>>
> >>>> This also means I don't get to make up such compelling slogans as
> >>>> "Spliced
> >>>> ICE baby", which is frankly disappointing.
> >>>>
> >>>> If you want to understand more about Splice, please visit the
> >>>> http://fabricengine.com/creation/splice/
> >>>>
> >>>> Cheers,
> >>>>
> >>>> Paul
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >

        Philipp Oeser
        Pipeline Engineer
        T       +49 40 - 450 120 - 401
        www.nhb.de <http://www.nhb.de>

nhb video GmbH | nhbton GmbH

Alsterglacis 8 | 20354 Hamburg

        nhb video GmbH, HRB 61617
Geschäftsführer: Michael Vitzthum, Matthias Rewig
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Geschäftsführer: Michael Vitzthum, Matthias Rewig
        dolbynhb is Dolby approved
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