Your right, for this I would be looking to create something like this in ICE. I had a look at Guillaume's plug-in and it works great for what I would like to achieve but my main aim here is to learn . In fact for the first step I would settle for making just a 2D convex hull like on Alok's blog.



p.s After playing around with the Guillaume's convex hull topo compound I must say it's pretty awesome!

On 08/08/2013 17:11, Alan Fregtman wrote:
I imagine you're looking for "pure" ICE approaches, but for what it's worth, Guillaume Laforge made a C++ ICE node for convex hulls and was kind enough to provide its sourcecode as well:

On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 10:57 AM, Tim Bolland < <>> wrote:

    Here is one for the technical guys out there. I'm currently having
    a play around with making a convex hull compound in ICE, and have
    been looking at the great Alok Gandhi blog as a guide ( ).
    How ever due to my lacking knowledge in ICE array manipulation,
    I'm having trouble putting it into practice.

    Has anyone had a play with this sort of stuff before? I image it's
    the kind of exercise that would prove useful for learning.



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