I have a simulation where I am flocking particles with Emflock and pushing
them back onto the emission geo. So they flow along the surface and
interact, and it's exactly what I need. However, with an enveloped
character however, the particles do not inherit any kind of velocity  and
the slide over the surface as the geo moves. The closest thing I can think
of to describe it is little groups of bugs crawling along the surface of a

They need to flow, but the also need to deform along with and stick to the
character. Particles are emitted all at once to fill the surface, and I
have copied the points positions and generated new points in another
un-simulated cloud, but now, what is the best way to keep them stuck to the
body as it moves?

I'm a bit of a nOOb with EMflock, and it seems like this is the sort of
thing that it would be great at, I just don't think I have figured out what
to use to make this happen.



Freelance 3D and VFX animator


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