I can't honestly disagree with you Mirko.

It's only really in regards to xsi though. maya*, modo, houdini, nuke,
mari, blender and others are all vastly better on linux it's not even funny

*not if you want vp2.0 though

On 29 September 2013 12:21, Mirko Jankovic <mirkoj.anima...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Honestly I still think that it is cheaper, faster and nerve saving to
> actually get windows and install without problems, then to have to hire
> Linux pro just to install software and then try to keep it working without
> problems :)
> On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 9:51 AM, Thomas Volkmann <li...@thomasvolkmann.com
> > wrote:
>>  Congratulations! You will be nominated for this years life-achievement
>> award!
>> Can you save scenes and reopen them?
>> cheers,
>> thomas
>> On 09/29/2013 06:32 AM, Jon Swindells wrote:
>> just some notes from the past week or so on getting 2014 installed and
>> working
>> well in Mint 15 Cinnamon.
>>  Most of this info, if not all, is available on the webs (most of it on
>> Stephen's blog) but, as i used
>> the list extensively when looking for answers, i though this would be the
>> appropriate place for my notes.
>>  ##########################################
>>  NOTES:
>> update everything BEFORE proprietry driver: // wasn't obvious to my
>> win-centric mindset
>>  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
>>  //reboot into new kernel if tehre is one
>>  // headers
>>  sudo apt-get install -y linux-headers-$(uname -r)
>>  i needed cuda but if you don't, go with the os nvidia drivers.
>> xsi/maya worked best with 310's for me, later drivers gave me segfaults
>> in xsi - quite
>> possibly due to conflicting ogl linkage.
>>  ############################  CUDA  ############################
>> only needed for cuda dev (ie, you only need this install if you plan on
>> compiling your own cuda apps)
>>  https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads
>> i used the 5.5 ubuntu 12.10 .run version. now i know a bit more, i think
>> the deb package would be easier
>> all round. ah well. live and learn
>>  the installer always crapped out if i didn't split/unpack it:
>>  sh cuda*.run -extract=/path/to/extract/dir/
>>  drivers : NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-319.37
>> cuda : cuda-linux64-rel-5.5.22-16488124
>> samples : cuda-samples-linux-5.5.22-16488124
>> !!! 5.5 toolkit installs and compiles fine with gcc 4.7. no need to build
>> or altenate 4.6!!!
>>  //install Driver, cuda then samples
>>  drop to a cmd shell (ctr+alt + F2)
>>  stop x server:
>>  sudo service mdm stop ##cinnamon/mate
>>  ## obviously ## sudo cp /etc/default/grub /etc/default/grub__bak
>>  sudo nano /etc/default/grub
>>  add or change GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT :
>>  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet nouveau.modeset=0"
>>  Save, close nano
>>  sudo update-grub
>>  sudo reboot ## i blacklisted the other drivers before rebooting
>>  at log in prompt drop to a shell again,stop the mdm and:
>>  sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
>>  add to the end:
>>  blacklist amd76x_edac
>>  blacklist vga16fb
>>  blacklist nouveau
>>  blacklist rivafb
>>  blacklist NVidiafb
>>  blacklist rivatv
>>  save and quit nano
>>   if you had previous nvidia drivers: ## i didn't
>>  sudo apt-get remove --purge NVidia*
>>  install driver:
>>  sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x64-319.37.run
>>  registered with DKMS
>>  NO to 32 bit libs ## if you want 32bit support,
>>   ## you'll need to do some shennanigans with xsi to
>>   ## stop it segfaulting (see below)
>>  yes to run the xconfig util ## always failed for me but they still went
>> in fine every time - permissions ??
>>  it once asked me to remove nouveau - it failed. did it above anyway
>>  Reboot and you should be good to go.
>> http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-getting-started-guide-for-linux/index.html#runfile-installation
>> !!! pts 5 & 7 !!!
>> libGL.so <-- this puppy is the cause of most startup segfaults, xsi
>> typically can't find it
>>  cuda would only install from cmd shell with mdm stopped.
>>  samples went in without issue every time (from desktop even)
>>  i used ~/.bashrc to export required paths:
>>  export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/cuda-5.5/bin
>>  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-5.5/lib64:/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
>> deps: tcsh, alien lsb gamin ## i didn't make a note of these but you'll
>> know instantly if you don't have the right dependencies for install
>> extra downloads:
>>  ##the adlm that comes with 2014 sp2 will not install for me no matter
>> what i do
>>  http://images.autodesk.com/adsk/files/nlm11.11_ipv4_linux64.tar.gz
>>  tar xzvf nlm11.11_ipv4_linux64.tar.gz
>>  use alien on the rpms
>>  sudo alien -ci "rpmsFrom_nlm11.11_ipv4_linux64"  ## include scripts and
>> install (dkpg -i)
>>  the setup script references /usr/lib64, doesn't exist on mint so -
>>  ln -s /usr/lib /usr/lib64   ## or change the setup script
>>  mental ray:
>>  sudo mkdir /usr/tmp/
>>  sudo chmod a+wr /usr/tmp/
>>  ## or simlink to /tmp, up to you
>>  make sure _setup has the right permissions (note the underscore) (chmod
>> +x )
>>  tcsh
>>  sudo sh setup
>> i used network for my server type but this:
>> http://wikihelp.autodesk.com/Installation_Help/enu/2014/Help/0161-Product_161/0538-Softimag538/0539-Softimag539/0540-Softimag540/0541-Installi541
>> leads me to believe that you could probably use a standalone edu license
>> in 2014 ala maya
>>  setup usually goes ok but with errors:
>>  Error: Application/bin/cmdreg -f "Application/bin/XSICOMDLLs.lst"
>>  Error: Registering python
>> the rpm errors can be ignored if you set it up previously.
>>  you'll need to register the stuff the installer missed: (from SB's blog)
>>  tcsh
>>  source /usr/Softimage/Softimage_2014_SP2/.xsi_2014_SP2
>>  cd /usr/Softimage/Softimage_2014_SP2/Application/bin/
>>  cmdreg libdsprsr.so
>>  ldd for any missing libs and install them
>>   register com dlls
>>  tcsh
>>  cd /usr/Softimage/Softimage_2014_SP2/Application/bin/
>>  cmdreg -f XSICOMDLLs.lst
>>  register python
>>  mwpython win32com/axscript/client/pyscript.py
>>  Deleting the X11 folder (and all it's contents) gets rid of the main
>> segfault problem
>> /usr/Softimage/Softimage_2014_SP2/Application/mainwin/mw/lib-amd64_linux/X11
>>  run xsi from a c-shell
>>  tcsh
>>  source /usr/Softimage/Softimage_2014_SP2/.xsi_2014_SP2
>>  /usr/Softimage/Softimage_2014_SP2/Application/bin/xsi
>>  if you get a segfault or _some.so error here, it's usually opengl
>> linkage
>>  you can either set the path in your .bashrc
>> (LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/nvidia:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH),
>>  using setenv in the .xsi_2014_SP2
>>  or symlink it.
>>  since i changed the /lib path on the install and, in my case, the cuda
>> exports fixed
>>  the libGL error
>>  bizzarely, i needed to use mayas adlm to stick my details in the .pit
>> /usr/autodesk/maya2014-x64/bin/adlmreg -i N 590F1 590E1 2014.0.0.F
>> 000-0000000
>> /usr/Softimage/Softimage_2014_SP2/Adlm/PITConfig/SoftimageConfig.pit
>> where 000- is your actual serial. i used my edu one, didn't seem to make
>> a difference what you put in there as long as it was there.
>> this irks me, confirmed that it's actually needed on my machine but i
>> seem to be a majority of one in this instance. i'd suggest trying to run xsi
>> before you try registering the .pit
>>  PROBLEMS on cinnamon:
>>  xsi pays absoloutly no attention to the fact it's in a desktop session
>> (even with the MWM env set).
>>  turning off keyboard repeat (in the os) will sort the supra-key issue,
>>  when ran maximised, it has all sorts of refresh and camera reset
>> annoyances.
>>  regardless, when you first boot xsi up you'll have to click a few
>> menus, create a few objects, open
>>  a few ppgs, resize the window etc until it settles down and starts
>> behaving.
>>  !! not so much in mate (but still there to some extent) and not at all
>> in fluxbox :)
>>  once xsi is comfy, it's rock solid in a flakey kind of way :)
>>  moral of the story: run xsi windowed always or in fluxbox if that
>> annoys you
>> ##############################################################################
>>  --
>> Jon Swindells
>> squi...@gmail.com
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Jon Swindells
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