Welcome to the list Jakob!

That looks promising, I've been playing with the very same idea for over two 
years now but never had a production to actually use it on, hence no time to 
develop it past the concept stage. Good luck sorting out the ramaining issues, 
I'm looking forward to the first public version :-)


Hi there!

May I introduce myself shortly. My name is Jakob Schindegger and I am a motion 
graphics designer who likes to develope new looks and also likes to code (still 
on a low level though)

I was always interested in NPR Rendering, especially silhouette edge drawing. 
So I took on the challenge, working with ICE and programming a custom ICE Node.

I have developed an ICE Compound generating at first just particles along the 
silhouette of an object, orienting along the outline and towards the camera.
As a next step I tried to generate as few splines as possible on the outline.
To be eventually able to smoothen these splines and also to generate some more 
turbulized overlaying ones to simulate a hand drawn (with strokes) / animated 

As soon as I have cleaned up the compound and made it a bit more efficient I 
will upload it.

Problems I still have:
-Jumpiness in Animation (as every calculation is only frame based, I might have 
to bring in a simulation level so the lines get more consistent over time
-Still too many gaps in the silhouette (I might have to bring the splines into 
screen space and connect them there)

This is how far I got right now. The animation down below is in some cases 
still very jumpy.


It is a work in progress and maybe as I am not a real programmer, some things might have 
been done not very efficiently, but I appreciate any comments you have. Even the ones 
where you say "why did you do it like this, there is a button which does all that 
already" :-)

jakob schindegger
perceptual activist since 1993
trondheim / norway / europe
+47 939 73 491

  Stefan Kubicek                   ste...@keyvis.at
           keyvis digital imagery
          Alfred Feierfeilstraße 3
       A-2380 Perchtoldsdorf bei Wien
        Phone:  +43 (0) 699 12614231
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