Excellent thanks Sandy!   Very much appreciated.   Were you in 2013 or 2014?

On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 1:51 PM, Sandy Sutherland

> We used it earlier this year for a commercial - must say I was pretty
> impressed with it.  The blending was pretty cool, but misses control over
> the threshold to blend, and we had jittering where the blend was obviously
> borderline between two actions and was swapping in and out.  It looked like
> there used to be some control over that, but they took it out.  The other
> thing that it misses is a true geometry collision as it only has a radius
> setting per particle so for characters with length such as the cats we were
> doing, it is easy to have them running through each other's tails or trying
> to avoid each other with huge gaps and when you have lots of them together,
> this tends to force a lot of 'searching' - twitching one way then the other
> 'looking' for enough space.
> Stability was pretty good - I had something like 4000 cats in one shot and
> it it did it and did it pretty quickly too.  Ooo - only thing is that one
> shot was pretty big scale and the constrain to geometry did not work
> correctly for some reason - the cats kept on going round in circles as it
> was coming down a hill - so I did a post sim constrain to surface on
> another cloud.
> my 0.02c on it - would certainly use it again for doing crowds on a budget!
> S.
> On 2013/11/05 8:11 PM, David Barosin wrote:
>> I'm hoping to get some opinions (positive or negative) for crowd fx in
>> production.  I've only looked at it in soft_2013 briefly and I know it went
>> through some changes since.  We're using 2013 now but if there is a major
>> benefit to 2014 we could do that too.
>> I'm considering it because it can blend animations and can constrain
>> joints (e.g. look direction)
>> Basically I'd like to hear how stable it is and if there are any
>> limitations/gotchas.
>> Thanks,
>>  -Dave
>> (also we'll be rendering in Arnold)

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