the "lock ppg" toggle is iAttribute Editor->List->Autoload Selected Attribute

The feature to create "compounds" where you publish only selected
attributes in the attribute editor and elsewhere is the "Assets" menu.
Better node editor support will be investigated for the future.
(Hypergraph does it now)

On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 4:34 AM, Tim Leydecker <> wrote:

> A more practical wish in terms of interface, I can share:
> I would like to have a GUI *compound* node. A graphical user custom PPG
> node.
> An empty node that can be used to easily drag&drop or connect and combine
> channels into a keying set and serves as a way to help collect all parameters 
> one
> might want to key or access for a specific task and conveniently access via 
> the Channel
> box, attribute spread sheet or Atribute editor by just having that node and 
> it´s
> inputs.
> It would be nice to be able to have it displayed in the above editors even
> if other nodes/elements are selected. Not just for setting up connections but 
> also
> actually  manipulating data. (Maya doesn´t have a "lock PPG" option afaik)
> The grapical representation in the Hypergraph/Hypershade could be something
> like a Shading Group node that allows to use the Connection Editor to feed,
> collect, create and validate inputs.
> This can be done with Mel since day one but then requires at least some
> scripting and ideally some layout templates.
> What I would prefer would be a ICE Compound node workflow.
> Benefit:
> Many tasks, even if massively complex end up actually just requiring a
> handful of parameters to be finetuned. It can become tedious to adjust these 
> parameters
> when  they are scattered all over the place instead of bundled into one place 
> to
> be readily manipulated at a glance and in context.
> Cheers,
> tim

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