
[] On Behalf Of Sergio Mucino
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2013 1:32 PM
Subject: Copying/transferring weight maps

Another "n00b" question... how do I go about copying a weight map between 
objects? I have two meshes that are exactly, the same, just under different 
models. I've painted a weight map on one that I'm using to modulate the effect 
of a deformer. Now I need the other mesh to deform identically. I though I'd be 
able to just copy/paste the weight map, but that seems to not work. 
Ctrl-dragging the weight map does copy the weight map node, but it does not 
bring with it the two sub-operators that are needed for it to work (a 
weightmapop, and weightpainter). I've tried to copy/paste and drag-n-drop 
these, but Soft won't have it. Any ideas? (I can't use the ICE approach because 
my target mesh has some ICE trees and operators at the modeling level already, 
so I wouldn't be able to freeze the ICE tree used to copy the map afterwards).
Thanks for any help!

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