Hey guys, just wanted to raise some points regarding the general mood of
users and the future of our little group....


Lately the list has been falling into the habit of turning many threads into
a doom saying, end-of-the-world kind of vibe (not discounting my self here)


When i first joined this list (and the much missed Discussion list) it was
an invaluable resource for shared knowledge, instruction, encouragement and
feedback (both positive and negative) also it was great place to find out
about cheese and monkeys! (i'm looking at you Ed)


While i still find the list to be a hugely valuable resource for techniques
and news, we are occasionally running into the doom laden tech equivalent of
Godwin's law!

This list is a gift, as many of you know, when compared with other online
forums/mailing lists, in that it's mostly self moderated and, on the whole,
a nice place to hang out.

There's obviously been some doubt and uncertainty regarding the future of
our software (no different from many other package's forums, the industry IS
constantly shifting), and believe me i have a VERY vested interest in the
continued use of Soft, i have NO intention of abandoning ship at the first
sign of choppy waters. (frankly i'd rather step away from the computer, than
be forced to learn an older/inferior application).... But there IS a future,
the app isn't dead, the community might be smaller, but there is still a
wealth of skill and experience here, and i hope, by force of will, we'll be
able to keep the fires burning!


If anything is going to bring about the end of Softimage as we know it, it
won't be some bean counter in an office at Autodyne (cyberdesk?) it will be
the lack of users....


While we can't 'make' autodesk push soft, our work speaks volumes for it's
quality, and that work is getting better and more high profile than it's
been in ages.

What we CAN do is tell people in the industry how enabling the software is,
how it helps us hit deadlines, create amazing imagery and break technical
boundaries that other DCC apps really do struggle with. By spreading the
word other software users and students get to hear what a great app it is,
they might try it, they might get hooked, and then we benefit by having a
new talent pool. If there's demand, then more courses will be taught using
the app and as long as freelancers keep coming up through the ranks,
there'll be a demand for new versions of the software (and new innovations
and features)

I have friends who've come across from other apps to use Soft, primarily for
ICE, but then have realised what a great all round app it is.... come for
the ICE, stay for the object model/rendertree/passes etc, etc, etc!


I'm not preaching/ranting (much) i just want to put it on a public space
that i love my software, i believe we are empowered to help keep it alive,
and they'll get it off me when they pry it from my cold dead fingers!!


oh and merry christmas, you cheesy monkey boys (and girls)




Adrian Wyer
Fluid Pictures
75-77 Margaret St.
W1W 8SY 
++44(0) 207 580 0829 




Fluid Pictures Limited is registered in England and Wales.
Company number:5657815
VAT number: 872 6893 71


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