Has anyone attempted to make a custom shader definition for a Mental Ray geometry shader? I've been trying to define the right output type (the dark grey thing), but none of the available constants seem to work. (I actually tried them all one by one, including other values not documented).
I found the docs of all the different types: http://download.autodesk.com/global/docs/softimage2013/en_us/sdkguide/index.html?url=si_om/siShaderParameterDataType.html,topicNumber=si_om_siShaderParameterDataType_html Also, I found this: http://download.autodesk.com/global/docs/softimage2013/en_us/sdkguide/index.html?url=si_om/XSIApplication.RegisterShaderCustomParameterType.html,topicNumber=si_om_XSIApplication_RegisterShaderCustomParameterType_html Which would theoretically let me add my own type? Perhaps I just need to make a definition for the existing geometry shader input type? Any thoughts?