There's a working Python example at the start of this post:

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 8:14 PM, Enoch Ihde <> wrote:

> i'm trying to fill an iceattribute with per frame point data:
> here's what i've got
> (this assumes a grid in the scene with a shape that's moving some points,
> animated on frame 1 and 2, although... i guess the principle is the same
> regardless of whether it's moving or not)
> ### snip
> import win32com
> from win32com.client import constants as c
> xsi = win32com.client.Dispatch('XSI.Application').Application
> obj = xsi.Dictionary.GetObject('grid')
> attr = obj.ActivePrimitive.AddICEAttribute('PerFramePointData',
> c.siICENodeDataVector3, c.siICENodeStructureArray,
> c.siICENodeContextComponent0D)
> inFrame = 1
> outFrame = 2
> pointsPerFrameArray = []
> for frame in range(inFrame, outFrame + 1):
>     pointsPerFrameArray.append(obj.EvaluateAt(frame).
> ActivePrimitive.ICEAttributes('PointPosition').DataArray)
> attr.DataArray2D = pointsPerFrameArray
> print attr.DataArray2D
> it yields:
> WARNING: 3392 - Invalid offset specified while extracting data from this
> attribute: <Attribute: PerFramePointData> <Offset: 120241952>
> and i end up with an empty attribute.
> what's the proper method of filling a DataArray2D attribute?
> thanks,
> enoch

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