Hi Gareth, 

yes of course, path are different.... But my problem was the scene was not loading at all even locally on a XSI interactive windows session and crashed it right away.

We were able to make the scene finally load..... And then was hoping deadline automatic path translation would cary the rest. 

But unfortunatly, its was doing well to access the .scn file and load it...... but everything inside xsi pointing to something external stuffs was not translated. (textures, Alembic, xref models, ...) ....  I will look at the idea of hacking the Deadline submitter to convert the inner paths at the moment of sending to the farm. maybe a good patch before we do the whole farm conversion to linux.  Also will talk to Ryan at thinkbox for other toughts.

We also we're able to fix the realtime playback crash bug by adding an X11 fix... I also think this fixed the numeric parameters that we're disapearing when sliding the slider in a PPG....look's it shows up properly now.

Deleted the /usr/Softimage/Softimage_2014_SP2/Application/mainwin/mw/lib-amd64_linux/X11 directory to make sure that we don't use the X11 libraries provided with SoftImage.  It was an old fix from our early tests that we didnt applied yet since we we're able to start Xsi.... Just did apply this fix again and it did help alot it seem's....

Also, my preferences are now kept and drag and drop works inside of xsi. We simply deleted the prefs and redone it again from scratch. Now everything in my favorite shader container is drag and dropping properly in the render tree... 

I dont know if i will ever be able to drag and drop from XnView to Xsi since they both use seperate window managers....  that's sad, but not a show stopper.... 

So far so good, sun is finally rising !  All credits goes to JF my Linux IT Alien. 

we are almost there!  


Sylvain Lebeau // SHED
V-P/Visual effects supervisor
T 514 849-1555 F 514 849-5025 

VFX Curriculum 03: Compositing Basics

On Jan 16, 2014, at 5:25 AM, gareth bell <garethb...@outlook.com> wrote:

3. will be fixed with a path swapper script - as the paths on windows will be different to the ones on linux  - I've had to do this before

From: s...@shedmtl.com
Subject: LINUX again
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 21:31:20 -0500
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
CC: j...@suid.com

Hi everyone!!! 

We finally have a running XSI 2014 sp2 on Linux CentOS 6.3 and Arnold (sitoa 3.0.1)  
it's all fresh.... and "overall" run's pretty well...   

Just want to ask you guys if you got these bugs on your side too?  And if you got any advices to counter them. 

1- If we select RealTime playback mode and press play, XSI vanish away.  Even in an empty scene. 100% reproducable.

2- Preferences does not seems to be kept.  (We will look into this tomorrow with linux IT)

3- Scenes created on linux wont open on a windows box. (Error says everything is disconnected from the scene) This fucks up my plan for small projects i wanted to render with deadline and automatic path translation on my windows farm.  We will convert the farm soon enough tough. Wich will probably fix this... 

4- When you use a slider in a PPG, the parametric number disapears. Graphics drivers maybe? We use the ones from Nvidia and not the RPM fusion ones.

5- Drag and drop doesnt work from XnView to render tree.... But also inside the rendertree when you want to drag a shader from the left list onto the tree... I need to go in menu/nodes then select one.... arrrrk ... Not able to use my favorites column anymore. 

@Marc Antoine
thank you for the recompile, everything works perfectly bro!!  And cant wait for Holger's and Platige's shader pack!!  I miss them alot.

thank you all for any help and toughts!  Greatly appreciated. 


Sylvain Lebeau // SHED
V-P/Visual effects supervisor
T 514 849-1555 F 514 849-5025 

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VFX Curriculum 03: Compositing Basics

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