Is the object at the origin? I recall that I DID have a similar problem in
Mari but it was more to do with some weird inverted lighting because it was
far from the origin.. But as you say you are having issues in other
programs too..

Simon Reeves
London, UK
* <>*
* <>*
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On 18 February 2014 09:32, Arvid Björn <> wrote:

> Hi list,
> I was wondering if someone else got this problem; OBJ's exported from Soft
> sometimes get objects weirdly inverted so they can't be shaded correctly in
> some other programs, one of them is Mari. I can still paint on the objects
> but the shading doesn't work. Same OBJ's display problems in other software
> too so it's not just Mari.
> The objects tend to be those that were mirrored in modelling, but not
> always.
> I'm wondering if there's something I can do in Softimage to get it to
> export everything correctly?
> I've tried the few options that the OBJ export has, doesn't seem to make
> any difference. Creating subdivided meshes and importing those seems to
> help, but not always. Exporting the same objects to Alembic works fine in
> other software, except for Mari which doesn't support it.
> Can't find a peep about the problem on the net, and we're getting it here
> consistently, I'm just guessing it has to do with Soft's OBJ exporter or
> something with Soft normals.
> Any solutions out there?

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