Following your advice, I took Performance Pilot (Not the 3ds nor the Autocad) 332.5 and problems are GONE !

I'll let you know if something bad happen.
Thank's a lot all for sharing experiences !

Le 04/03/2014 11:46, Sven Constable a écrit :
I always take the 'performance driver'. I have the current 332.50 version
installed without problems (running a quadro4000 too)

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of olivier
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2014 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: Render Tree Crash

Ok, Problem : For a Quadro 4000 the suggested driver is 295.73

As mentionned here :

seems old old thing. I don't think it's even compatible with Redshift.

Suggestion ?

Le 04/03/2014 11:29, olivier jeannel a écrit :
Eeeer the site propose several type
Performance Quadro
Certified partner
Autocad Performance

Any preferences ?

Le 03/03/2014 20:00, olivier jeannel a écrit :
Thank's Matt! Tomorrow I'll update the driver.

Le 03/03/2014 19:56, Matt Lind a écrit :
We had this exact issue the other day with our GeForce 690's.   The
artist had driver 314 which had the issues.  We upgraded his
computer to use driver 332(?) and problem went away.  Whatever the
latest driver was, that's what we tried.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
olivier jeannel
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 3:24 AM
Subject: Render Tree Crash


It's been a long time that I noticed some "fragility" when I hit the
7 key to open the render tree. XSI happen to immediatly crash with a
windows  error message (SI 2013 stop functionning...).
Now, I have that scene that always crashes as soon as I hit the 7 key.
I've tried merging scene and muting viewport, but no luck.
The weird thing is that it doesn't crash on other machine.

Crashing Machine is Windows7 Quadro4000 Functioning machine is XP
Quadro 1800.

I suspect it might comes from the Nvidia drivers, and would like to
know what's the safer driver ?
Driver is 311.35 here.

Thank you,


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