Personally I find the offer monetary value itself barely relevant.
Let me explain: It's more the fact a person as highly positioned as him
keeps in touch with people who have hardly anything to do with his products
and is wiling to jump a whole chain of decision makers and bureaucracy to
make something happen in a few hours that matters to me.

If it saves you a few hundred bucks that's a bonus for sure :)

BTW apparently it's the community store or something like that that should
be used at:
Some other store locations might not accept coupons.

On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 2:45 PM, nick name <> wrote:

> You'd never see such a gesture from Adsk. On the other hand I think it's a
> bit too early for this offer for most Softimage users to make a jump in one
> direction or another. Not saying that there won't be a few that will want
> to score this opportunity, so... yeah, it's a lot better than nothing.

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