I don't know Deadline, but usually when xsibatch.exe returns a big negative number, it's a crash.
A crash can be caused by anything, you won't see it in the output log.

I'm sorry I'm not helping much, but you should check if you can render the same frame in the UI. If not, then you can start deactivating stuff in the scene of hiding objects to find the problem.

On 07-Mar-14 07:26, Mirko Jankovic wrote:
I'm trying to render out something on deadline and couple computers are giving me this info. My and 1 more are working fine no problem at all, couple others are throwing this error and stopping rendering over deadline.
Also to note that when scene is open locally on them it works fine.
Any idea what could be wrong??

0: STDOUT: ' INFO : Executing command: RenderPasses(Passes.Set_01,int(210),int(214))

0: STDOUT: ' INFO : Rendering pass 'Set_01'...

0: STDOUT: ' INFO : Rendering frame 210 (0.0% done)

0: INFO: Ignoring error because Strict Error Checking is disabled in the plugin configuration.

0: STDOUT: ' ERROR : 21000-REND-RenderPasses - Unspecified failure

0: STDOUT: RenderPasses "Passes.Set_01", 210, 214, , siRenderVerbosityDefault

0: STDOUT: Command failed, returned -2147467259

0: INFO: Ignoring error because Strict Error Checking is disabled in the plugin configuration.

0: STDOUT: ' ERROR : 21000 - Unspecified failure - [line 39]

0: STDOUT: ERROR - Script failed.

0: STDOUT: FATAL - Script Aborted.

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