there is a save scene as command but it won't let you save outside a SI project 
structure. You can save your scene to a different name by adding a version 
number, date, or whatever.

It seems that we'll have a backup option without changing the current scene in 
the last version of SI.

Sent from my iPhone

> On 2014/03/07, at 19:50, Simon Reeves <> wrote:
> Ive made a backup plugin/event that has been useful, though a bit scary as it 
> also autosave's the current scene before copying it elsewhere (it would be 
> good if there was a 'save scene as' command but I don't know of one?)
> Anyway the main issue with it is that it interrupts if a render is in 
> progress, preview/frame/render region, so is there anyway to check if a 
> render is in progress? Or if the region is open/preview window open?
> Cheers
> Simon
> Simon Reeves
> London, UK

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