I've done a lot of exporting. I use slightly earlier versions of Maya and Softimage for maximum animator compatibility, so maybe this is easier with later versions of Softimage/Maya. It takes me DAYS to transfer everything perfectly for our AnimSchool rigs. And it sort of works -- for the important parts. The envelope and shapes. They come over exactly matching. But you have to do it in bits and pieces. Don't expect the control rig to carry over effortlessly. You have to recreate IK chains.

Jack Kao has done some of this too for AnimSchool and might have better workflows.

I purposely use things in Softimage I know I can transfer/recreate easily in Maya.

My workflow is to use .xsi for the heirarchy. You'll need to recreate the control rig using those parts.

For the envelope, sometimes it only works by isolating the envelope and exporting JUST the object and the deformers ONLY in a flattened heirarchy. I'm not sure why that is. Select the envelope/s, then select all the deformers (Select Deformer from Envelope). Unparent all those. Group them all under a new transform group. So they are all flattened.
Export that via .xsi
CrossWalk>Export to Maya.
Use .xsi 5.0 binary. Everyting else seems to crash.
Import into a fresh Maya scene.
Save the weights using Comet's Save Weights.
Get a list of the deformers
Open up your main Maya rig file and import the weights.

For the shapes, the .xsi will include shapes, but I delete them because they are not connected to objects. So I use this tool for exporting all the shapes as separate objects. (attached) Turn off/down your undo before using this tool. It will eat all the memory otherwise. Select the shapes in the explorer you want to export, then Shape>CopySelectedShapeKeyInNewModel It creates a ton of objects. Export them to Maya and make them all blendshapes to the object.

Once everything is up and working in Maya, I can make edits in Softimage, and just export positions for matching or new shapes/envelope weights.

I use a script for making the maya scene (all selected objects) match all the positions from the exported Softimage heirarchy (via fbx or .xsi):
(in worldspace)

string $selected[]=`ls -sl`;

for($x=0; $x<size($selected); ++$x){

string $fbxVersion = ("yourNamespace:" + $selected[$x]);

print $fbxVersion;

float $translate[3]=`xform -q -rp -ws $fbxVersion`;

move -a -ws -rpr $translate[0] $translate[1] $translate[2] $selected[$x];

float $rotation[3]=`xform -q -rotation -ws $fbxVersion`;

rotate -a -ws $rotation[0] $rotation[1] $rotation[2] $selected[$x];


or sometimes the local space works better.

string $selected[]=`ls -sl`;

for($x=0; $x<size($selected); ++$x){

string $fbxVersion = ("yourNamespace:" + $selected[$x]);

print $fbxVersion;

float $translate[3]=`xform -q -t $fbxVersion`;

move -a -ls $translate[0] $translate[1] $translate[2] $selected[$x];

float $rotation[3]=`xform -q -rotation -os $fbxVersion`;

rotate -a -os $rotation[0] $rotation[1] $rotation[2] $selected[$x];


I use some scripts for listing all the constraints and expressions in Softimage. Then I reformat them to be like mel commands.
I think Eric Thivierge wrote those for me. Thanks Eric!

On 3/11/2014 4:57 AM, Nicolas Esposito wrote:
Hi guys,

Since I'm not a Maya user I would like to ask you a couple of things regarding exporting a rigged character from Softimage to Maya.

I'm using Species and there is already a video on how to export the rig to Maya, but, even using Gear rig or a custom one, it is possible to export the shadow rig as well?

My few attempts on send a rig to Maya, or send a rig from Maya to Softimage resolved always into Softimage crashing ( 2013 x64 no SP ), so I was force to delete everything on the rig, except just the skeletal rig and the meshes, without any shadow rig/controllers

So, anyone succesfully ported a rig from Softimage to Maya, or if in Maya, in order to have the shadow rig, you just have to built it from scratch, or use one of Maya tools in order to generate the shadow rig ( similar to Softimage? )



function XSILoadPlugin( in_reg )
        in_reg.Author = "hpayer";
        in_reg.Name = "CopyShapeKeyPlugin";
        in_reg.Email = "";
        in_reg.URL = "";
        in_reg.Major = 1;
        in_reg.Minor = 0;

        //RegistrationInsertionPoint - do not remove this line

        return true;

function XSIUnloadPlugin( in_reg )
        var strPluginName;
        strPluginName = in_reg.Name;
        Application.LogMessage(strPluginName + " has been unloaded.");
        return true;

function CopyShapeKey_Init( ctxt )
        var oCmd;
        oCmd = ctxt.Source;
        oCmd.Description = "";
        oCmd.ReturnValue = true;

        return true;

function CopyShapeKey_Execute(  )

        for (i = 0; i<selection.count;i++){
                        if (selection(i).type != "clskey"){
                                logmessage("Part of Selection is not a Cluster 
Shape Key");
        logmessage("Nothing selected!");

function DuplicateShapeKeys(sel){

        var upd = CreateBar("Copying Geometry",sel.count);

        mesh = sel(0).parent3Dobject;
        var SourcePosArray = 
        if (!(newmeshmodel)){
                var newmeshmodel = ActiveSceneRoot.AddModel(null, 
mesh.model.name + "_ShapeKeys");
        for (i=0 ; i<sel.count;i++){

                var newmesh = CopyMesh(mesh);
                newmesh.name = sel(i).name;
                MoveMesh(newmesh, i);
                var newGeoPosArray = new Array();
                var ShapeKeyArray = sel(i).Elements.Array.toArray();

                for ( j=0 ; j<ShapeKeyArray.length ; j++ ){
                        newGeoPosArray[j] = SourcePosArray[j] + 
                newmesh.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Points.PositionArray = 

                var check = UpdateBar(upd,sel(i).name, "none", -1);
                if (check == true){
                        upd.Visible = false
                        i = sel.count

        upd.Visible = false;    

function MoveMesh(obj, mult){
        var aRtn = GetBBox( obj ) ;

        var xmin = aRtn.value( "LowerBoundX" );
        var xmax = aRtn.value( "UpperBoundX" );

        var newtrsvec = XSIMath.CreateVector3();
        var trans = XSIMath.CreateTransform();

        var trsfrm = obj.Kinematics.Global.Transform;
        //var x = (xmax - xmin)*1.05*(mult + 1);
        var x = (xmax - xmin)*.2*(mult + 1);
        newtrsvec.set(x, trsfrm.PosY,trsfrm.PosZ);
        obj.Kinematics.Global.Transform = trans;


function CopyMesh(mesh){
        newmesh = Duplicate (mesh,null, 
        //newmesh = Duplicate (mesh,null, 

        //----------- cleaning duplicate -----------------------------
        var props = newmesh.properties;
        for (j=0;j<props.count;j++){
                pname = props(j).name;
                if (ClassName(props(j))=="CustomProperty" || 
        var cls = newmesh.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Clusters;
        for (j=0;j<cls.count;j++){
                if (cls(j).type == "pnt"){
                if (cls(j).type == "poly"){
                if (cls(j).type == "sample"){
        return newmesh;

function CreateBar(caption, maxval) {
        var pbar = XSIUIToolkit.ProgressBar;
        pbar.Caption = caption;
        pbar.Maximum = maxval;
        pbar.visible = true;
        STARTTIME = new Date;
        return pbar;
function UpdateBar(pbar, ptext, prevphasename, lastphase) {

        // record times
        var tcur = new Date;
        var tphase = (tcur - LASTTIME) / 1000.0;
        var ttotal = (tcur - STARTTIME) / 1000.0;
        LASTTIME = tcur;
        if (!isFinite(tphase)) tphase = 0;
        if (!isFinite(ttotal)) ttotal = 0;

        // update progress bar
        if (ptext && ptext != "") pbar.StatusText = ptext;

        // check cancel button
        if (pbar.CancelPressed) { 
                logmessage("Canceled by user.");
                return true;

        // check breakpoint and report progress
        var s = "phase " + pbar.value + " (" + prevphasename + "). phase=" + 
tphase + " sec. total=" + ttotal + " sec. =====\n";
        if (lastphase == pbar.value || lastphase == prevphasename) {
                                return true;

        return false;

        return true;

function CopyShapeKey_Menu_Init( ctxt )
        var oMenu;
        oMenu = ctxt.Source;
        oMenu.AddCommandItem("Copy Selected ShapeKey in new 
        return true;

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