Hi Manu:

Hate to sound like a broken record on this, but I guess in my case, I would use a symbolic link to point to the network share, and then I would use that link's name in the XSI launch script instead...is that allowed under your current situation?

Yours sincerely,
Siew Yi Liang

On 3/14/2014 10:24 AM, Manu Allasia wrote:
I found !

XSI doesnt want to open a network path,
I tryed with a local scene it is OK, but on network path like this "\\NAS\" no scene is openned....

Do you know a workaround ? but not mapping network drive (I cant in my case) .

2014-03-14 18:02 GMT+01:00 Manu Allasia <3d.alla...@gmail.com <mailto:3d.alla...@gmail.com>>:

    Thank you very much Siew !

    But, I my case, Softimage show up bit it is still not opening the

    There is nothing that can help in the command log, no openScene,

    I also remove all workgroups, just in case.

    2014-03-14 17:13 GMT+01:00 Siew Yi Liang <soni...@gmail.com

        Hi Manu:

        I just tested this in a fresh batch script, it should work fine.

        Did you try wrapping your file path arg with double-quotes
        like so?

            "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Softimage 2013
            SP1\Application\bin\XSI.bat" "C:\Personal

        Does the command log show any indication that it tried to open
        the scene at all?

        Yours sincerely,
        Siew Yi Liang

        On 3/14/2014 8:43 AM, Manu Allasia wrote:
        Hi guys !

        I'm trying to start Softimage on a specific scene using
        (windows 7 x64 & Softimage 2012 SP1 )

        I start this batch :

            *pathto\xsi.bat pathtomyscene.scn*

        Softimage starts, but nothing happens after. The scene is not
        There is no space in the scene path.

        Any help ?

-- Emmanuel Allasia - R&D
        3D MatchMovers <http://www.3d-matchmovers.com> | Gobi Studio
        +33 663 713 381 <tel:%2B33%20663%20713%20381> / +33 486 517
        444 <tel:%2B33%20486%20517%20444>

-- Emmanuel Allasia - R&D
    3D MatchMovers <http://www.3d-matchmovers.com> | Gobi Studio
    +33 663 713 381 <tel:%2B33%20663%20713%20381> / +33 486 517 444

Emmanuel Allasia - R&D
3D MatchMovers <http://www.3d-matchmovers.com> | Gobi Studio <http://www.gobistudio.fr>
+33 663 713 381 / +33 486 517 444

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