My studio is planning to keep using Softimage and doing researchs with
Fabric Engine as long as I'm not convinced that I can do better with the

On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 5:38 PM, Nicolas Esposito <> wrote:

> For me the main problem is still that AD would never sell Softimage to
> anyone, because they know they fucked it up, and they know for sure if
> SideFX or The Foundry will buy Soft, they will literally kick out Maya and
> Max in a couple of years.
> Regarding the subscription renewal I completely agree with you, I'd rather
> invest that money for custom tools, instead of giving my money to AD, so
> that developers would gladly build those tools and get paid...and thats why
> I think that the "share for free" would be a kick in the nuts for those who
> developed the custom tools that they use in Softimage.
> Greg, how much time and development you guys spent on developing the
> "Janimation HeadTech" demo/character? looks like Facerobot, but I suppose
> that is heavily modified together with ICE in order to achieve the
> deformation technology.
> Thoat is something I would pay to have, together with the muscle systema
> that the guys at Fabric engine are developing, or what Paul Smith did, or
> an upgrade to the plugins from Exocortex or LK.
> I really would like to show my appreciation to those guys, and together
> with others I think that we could give them the possibility to get their
> money for the time they spent developing what they did, and for more future
> tools if they want to.
> I thought about kickstarter, but could be something different as
> general something to keep track of those who contribuite to the
> donation, then share the tools with them.
> It would be highly unfair from my point of view to share those tools with
> everyone who uses Softimage, because at this point it'll just be free stuff
> paid by 20-30-40 people.
> Maybe, when Softimage will eventually die, some of the studios who
> developed the tools will share them for free, but who knows
> 2014-03-14 16:13 GMT+01:00 Greg Punchatz <>:
> I like the idea, I was thinking along the same lines but much BIGGER.
>> Let's kick the shit of Autodesk at their own game...3d development.
>> I think we should set up this has a PUBLIC challenge, us agasinst
>> Autodesk Maya dev team, in a development death match. Thinking this would
>> go much further in showing Autodesk what an incredible mistake it made by
>> killing Softimage. Release after release... we will kick their fucking ass.
>> Here is what I don't really think Autodesk really understands....
>> Softimage and particularly Ice allows you to develop features that are
>> production ready to the public a much faster rate than you can in any of
>> other full Dcc applications they own.
>> I never understood why there wasn't a huge effort to create new tools
>> with ice and after it had matured a bit. I was really hoping for an ice
>> version of face robot, as it was not so linear... the idea of face robot is
>> great.. but picking session is brilliant, but things can get terribly
>> linear after that point on with no real way to fix what's under the hood.
>>  So this really is my challenge--- to the user base and developers. We
>> set up a kickstarter campaign or something to raise money to help out
>> develop Maya...
>> Show it for what it is, an aging dinosaur that's about to become
>> fossilized.
>> First off is a kick starter the right way to go? How do we get the money
>> from a single kickstarter into the hands of multiple developers ? Ideally I
>> would like to see something that benefits all Softimage users to contribute
>> to the user build... it could be a single workgroup that we all share. I
>> know that there a lot of plug-ins already that are very useful, but
>> sometimes getting organized workgroup of all the latest and greatest core
>> tools is difficult .
>> I have 1 million ideas of what needs to be done, but I have no idea what
>> it's capable with the current SDK . I'm sure everybody else has their list
>> as well.
>> We need BIG shiny features... as well as taking care of anything we can
>> that will keep Softimage viable for years to come.
>> Is it possible that any of the big studios would consider releasing some
>> of their tools to the Softimage community? I've heard and seen some of
>> these tools in action , if we could get something going quick enough we
>> would already have a far more impressive release and what is most likely
>> coming from Maya. These tools for your competitive advantage, but not as
>> much Softimage is. My suggestion is wherever it makes sense for us to share
>> our scripts and plug-ins that have already been developed into the
>> community for the greater good of Softimage. Softimage is definitely my
>> competitive advantage, and as a community we can make it even more so.
>> To the TDs and developers out there, would it be possible for us to
>> implement UDIM support? Arnold seems to have no issues with it, but I
>> really need to be able to see my multi-patched textures in OpenGL. I know
>> there were no plans to port fabric engine's real-time viewport solution to
>> Softimage , but I for one would love to see that implemented , and I am
>> sure its extensible enough to handle multi-UV patch naming conventions. My
>> dollars are on the table for FE anytime they develop a tool I can use.
>> This one goes to Pooby, sir I think it is time for us all to send your
>> money ... but you need start sharing that muscle technology you're working
>> on.. I sent you 100 bucks for fuzz .... I will send you a lot more for your
>> most... I know it's your competitive the advantage .. but so is Softimage .
>> And that there is some folks out here on the development side that can turn
>> your beautiful rigging development into easy to use tool sets and
>> interfaces that could push it to the next level.
>> Paul there are several things I would love for you to be in charge of
>> development , a face robot that doesn't pollute your scene with the face
>> robot virus ... one that is nonlinear .
>> I have recently seen an amazing auto rigger from the good folks over at
>> elementX... I would love to see this released the public as well, but we
>> really should do side-by-side comparisons and release the best auto rigger
>> of the bunch... and standardized around that one.
>> I know Mill has the craziest feather system ever devised... I'm sure
>> Psyop has many fantastic tools and shaders, my question to everybody is
>> does it make sense to sit on these anymore? Or would it do each one of
>> these companies more good to participate in creating a better product for
>> the near future?
>> Here are some other things that I know needs some work from where I sit...
>> Paint effects type solutions.. with the interface to match . Scatter
>> tools are great , but having something with a great set of presets .
>> We need a marvelous designer type clothing simulator inside of
>> Softimage.... but without the nonsense that comes with trying to work
>> inside a silly program.
>> City builders and terrain builders are two things that I desperately
>> need...
>> For love of god would someone add relative cycles to the mixer.... I know
>> the work around...but this is softimage.. if I wanted to work around I
>> would be a Maya user.
>> There a lot of good hair solutions, but there's not a lot of great
>> shaders at the out into the wild. I know that people are sitting on some of
>> those on this very list. Not that the hair solutions are perfect in any
>> way, I would love for somebody to come up with a best of both worlds
>> solution for hair styling and simulation. It can be node based, but has to
>> be able to be groomed by hand. Years ago I saw a Microsoft research video
>> on or hierarchal hairstyling that blew me away.
>> Ironically, to reach this part of the note I received a call from
>> Autodesk, asking me to renew my suit support. I am still debating whether
>> this makes sense.... I really think I would rather send all my developer
>> friends money... plus a lot more if they develop the tools I need.
>> I would not have known where to begin to make this happen... but wanted
>> to start a conversation. Let's make our own Softimage 2015 - Userbuild. I
>> am in at 1500 dollars TODAY if we can get such a thing going... I will also
>> be happy to make demo content for our release videos that we release at the
>> same time AD does there's...We need to blow them AWAY...and as I said
>> before it needs to be HYPED in all the right places... If for the next few
>> years we outshine AD internal dev teams by joing together as a unified
>> force maybe a new regime will move into AD and see the light, if not we
>> just gave ourselves a better program to get our jobs done.
>> So apparently some of us are optimistic fools... but so was Walt Disney.
>> No one believed to make the first animated feature movie... and he did. No
>> one believed in his dream of building a Magic Kingdom California... and he
>> did. everyone scoffed at the giant plans for Walt Disney World smack, dabb
>> middle of a swamp.. and he did... he he spent his fortune and a lot of
>> other peoples money to make these dreams come true... at first the
>> investors were terrified , but this man was going to succeed. He just knew
>> no other option... he knew he needed to make something great.'s make
>> something great...
>> We need to do the same... with or without Autodesk's help. We have a much
>> better chance of making this happen if we join forces commit money and/or
>> own personal time to make this thing happen.
>> This song sums it up.. Written by Mike Peters of the Alarm from a
>> hospital bed, with kemo flowing into his body.....not only beating cancer
>> x2, but then going on to start the worlds biggest Rock and Roll cancer
>> charity..and climbing MT Everest..among many others as fund raisers.  If
>> some one man can do that we can save our freaking software...even if we do
>> it our selves.
>> Fight back-


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