Hi Greg,

I don't have it, but I was going to look.
I wanted to put it here first, since you are all the peers that I mention
in the letter.
If you have his email address, can you please send it to me?


Thank you!

On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 11:32 AM, Greg Punchatz <g...@janimation.com> wrote:

> Thanks for adding your voice .. you do have his email address right?
> On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 10:13 AM, Perry Harovas <perryharo...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Dear Mr. Bass
>> My name is Perry Harovas.
>> You don't know me, but I am a 10 year Softimage user.
>> 10 years is actually a small amount of time when compared to my
>> peers who having  been using Softimage for up to 20 years.
>> I am writing to you because I cannot be silent on this.
>> I have been in this business for 25 years. I started out using Lightwave
>> in Video Toaster V1 on an Amiga computer.
>> I then moved on to Alias PowerAnimator and took the new abilities of that
>> software (over Lightwave) into
>> feature films out of a small studio in (of all places) Newark, NJ.
>> I was an Alpha tester of Maya, before it was even announced publicly.
>> I put up with no docs, breaking code, a renderer that was written only
>> months earlier and barely worked, changing workflows, etc.
>> I learned everything I could about the software, and eventually
>> co-authored the first book about Maya, "Mastering Maya Complete 2".
>> I was the loudest, most exuberant fan of Maya on the face of the planet.
>> I couldn't get enough. I worked myself into bouts of sleeplessness
>> in an effort to know more about this seemingly magical application that
>> would allow me to create anything I could dream of.
>> Except, in reality, the word 'dream' is appropriate, because as I took on
>> larger projects and tried to do more work with it, I found one of the
>> largest obstacles
>> with Maya was (and is) that it needs a support team behind it to code
>> tools into either working together, or sometimes, working at all.
>> A good example of this is when I was directing two 30 minute CG
>> children's shows with me and my small crew of 4 other people.
>> We had 6 months to create 60 minutes of animation, including building the
>> characters, rigging them, animating them, texturing, lighting, etc.
>> An insane task given the budget, crew size and amount of animation. But
>> we plunged head on into doing it.
>> Then, after many, many minutes of animation had been done, we found that
>> our characters were coming
>> into our scenes with no animation except their mouth lip sync. Where had
>> all the animation we did gone?
>> Our one technical guy on staff looked into it and happened to find that
>> the animation curves were still there,
>> but had detached themselves from the character rig (his skeleton, if you
>> will).
>> Fortunately, he was able to code up a way to automatically reconnect the
>> animation curves to the rig, saving months of work.
>> We then realized we were not going to be the only people to have this
>> issue. We spoke with Support, and they acknowledged this was a known issue.
>> We even offered to give them our script to help others who were having
>> similar issues. They refused to let us help.
>> We then started experiencing render problems, referencing issues, and a
>> list of other things
>> so long that I can't remember it now.
>> Needless to say, it was frustrating, it prevented the quality from being
>> consistent, and endangered our whole company.
>> We soldiered on, finishing the two shows on schedule, barely, and vowing
>> to NEVER use Maya again.
>> We eventually decided on Softimage|XSI. Sure it was rough re-learning a
>> new application, but it was rewarding in that it worked, didn't fail us,
>> and didn't need a dedicated team to produce work that was better than
>> what we could produce in Maya. This was astonishing to me!
>> Thoughts of "Why did we not do this earlier?" ran through my head. The
>> power in one application seemed to be nearly limitless.
>> Limitless, that is, until I started Alpha testing Moondust, which
>> eventually became ICE.
>> This was an area I knew nothing about, coding, and suddenly I was doing
>> things that I could not believe.
>> I created a way to have fur just appear on the silhouette of my cartoon
>> dog, in literally 20 minutes of "fiddling around" with ICE.
>> Even with the lack of documentation at that point, with the alpha, and
>> then beta, status of the software, it was the most powerful tool I had ever
>> used.
>> Bar none. No doubt, No hyperbole.
>> I could not believe what I could now do, just ME, not a team of people.
>> Imagine what a team of people could do?
>> Well, there is no need to imagine, we have many examples to point to from
>> just the last few years:
>> -'The Lego Movie'
>> -The Mill's '98% Human' ad
>> -The Embassy's 'Science Project' commercial
>> -'Iron Man'
>> -'Pacific Rim'
>> -'Now You See Me'
>> -Subaru 'Car Parts' ad
>> These are just off the top of my head.
>> This software, the one your company just retired (also known as EOL, or
>> End Of Life) is Softimage.
>> You remember Softimage, don't you? You bought it from Avid in 2008. I
>> wouldn't blame you for not remembering,
>> it never showed up on your home page, it was barely promoted, and it was
>> something that you had to hunt for in Siggraph demos.
>> Softimage, the software that gave rise to dinosaurs in 'Jurassic Park'
>> (in a previous, less powerful, incarnation of the software).
>> Softimage, the software that gave the world 'Terminator 2'', 'Death
>> Becomes Her', 'Babe, 'Casper', 'Jumanji', 'Mars Attacks' and just too many
>> others to list.
>> Softimage, the software that invented Inverse Kinematics.
>> Softimage, the software that Animal Logic used to create the number one
>> movie in America at the time Autodesk made this announcement.
>> Of course, I could go on. But I am sure you get the point.
>> This is the software that your company just killed.
>> That really is the only word for it, KILLED.
>> Killed, because it is now seen by many as obsolete even though, as you
>> hopefully know, it is the newest of the 3 DCC apps your company owns and
>> far from obsolete.
>> It is now perceived that way because of this action.
>> I have been in visual effects and animation production my entire career,
>> and a few years ago I also started teaching.
>> In 2007, I moved myself and my family from the East Coast of the USA to
>> Illinois.
>> While there, I helped start a new college in Chicago called 'Flashpoint,
>> The Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences',
>> which was renamed to 'Tribeca | Flashpoint Academy' when Robert De Niro's
>> Tribeca,
>> purchased 50% of the school. I was the Chair of the Visual Effects and
>> Animation Department.
>> I wrote the entire curriculum in my department. The software world was
>> 100% open to me, I could use anything I felt would be appropriate.
>> I chose to use Softimage, not Maya, as the main application to teach the
>> students.
>> I took on what I called an agnostic approach to teaching 3D software, in
>> that students would learn the best tool for the job,
>> and hopefully not be as software biased as my generation was/is. The
>> reason for this, as I told them, was because you never know when
>> your software will just vanish, the company will kill it, or go out of
>> business.
>> Wow, I wish I wasn't right about that one...
>> Knowing how to use many applications, how to be aware of what was going
>> on behind the
>> curtain of the software, was (and is) far more important and helped
>> prevent being unable to work due to not
>> having skills in one application, especially if that application was
>> discontinued.
>> Well, now because of the actions that your company took on March 4, 2014,
>> that has happened, and I am in exactly that position.
>> I can continue to use Softimage for a couple of years, but as you no
>> doubt understand,
>> the stigma associated with using EOL Software (never mind teaching it) is
>> too great to bear.
>> The driver support would quickly become a problem, the renderer support
>> would be an major issue, and before too long,
>> it will become  impossible to use Softimage in production.
>> So your company has now given me, all of us Softimage users, a choice. We
>> can use 3DS Max or we can use Maya.
>> Well, I chose not to learn 3DS Max as it relied too heavily on plugins,
>> and Maya, well, you now know how that played itself out for me...
>> I will make a choice, but it will be to not use Autodesk products anymore.
>> I am choosing to learn an entirely new 3D DCC application, and I can
>> assure you it will not be an Autodesk product.
>> I could easily go back to using Maya, especially with my history with the
>> software. I choose not to.
>> See? A choice.
>> Even if I thought Maya was a great base of code on which to build the
>> future DCC application that will rule the world (and I certainly do not),
>> I wouldn't use Maya based upon principal alone. Maya is not a great base
>> to build upon, because as you are well aware, it is more than 17 years old
>> and
>> wasn't written when multi-core processors were even a dream in the labs
>> of chip makers. It is really like tearing down the 5 story building, in
>> favor of making
>> a 10 story building on the foundation of a 17 year old house that has
>> been patched together with one new idea after another. The foundation is
>> showing its age,
>> the wood is starting to rot, and yet the plan is to build on top of this
>> base. That is what I believe you are doing with your company's plans to
>> build upon Maya.
>> A company that does this to their loyal customers, in my opinion, is a
>> company that does not have the best interests of those customers at heart.
>> A company that does, what your company did in less than 6 years (killing
>> a product) is a company that should not have made the purchase of
>> that product in the first place.
>> Was it not obvious, when Autodesk evaluated the purchase of Softimage,
>> that having three DCC apps was not a good financial decision?
>> Was it not obvious that this fairly small market segment could not
>> sustain development on these three apps?
>> If it wasn't obvious, then perhaps there is more wrong with Autodesk than
>> anyone realized.
>> Unless, there was another reason to buy Softimage, but that would be pure
>> speculation...
>> So, what now?
>> I now teach at another well respected institution, and continue to work
>> in the industry very actively.
>> Will I still teach Maya? Yes. It is part of the curriculum, and will help
>> these students get jobs in the industry.
>> However, I will be teaching another product as well, again, to prevent
>> what has happened to me and my peers from happening
>> to these students that are just starting out on this career path.
>> Mr. Bass, I have seen interviews with you. I believe you are a kind
>> person. You certainly seem to be in love with this business.
>> I hate the decisions that your company made, that you approved, but I
>> don't personally hold any hatred for you.
>> I just wanted you to know that there are many, many artists out there
>> that just want to continue to use the application that we chose to use.
>> We had a choice, and Softimage was what we chose to use. Taking away that
>> option, your company has now asked us to chose software
>> that we could have chosen before, and did not.  This isn't a choice, this
>> is a hijacking.
>> I cannot speak for others, but, as you may now know, the overall
>> sentiment of Softimage users is to chose NOT to use Autodesk products
>> anymore.
>> I can only believe this wasn't what Autodesk, or you, wanted. We are a
>> very passionate bunch, who now are passionately opposed to using Autodesk
>> products. Again, I can't speak for all of us, but the forums on your
>> competitions' websites are filled with users looking to switch.
>> The most asked question on these forums seems to be something like: "How
>> do I do this thing I used to do in Softimage, in your app?"
>> That should tell you something Mr Bass. The users of Softimage just want
>> to keep using Softimage, its workflow, its amazing tools, and not be
>> burdened by the archaic workflow
>> of your other two DCC apps. They want to do amazing work. They want to be
>> able to feed their families and to keep their employees.
>> They are so hungry for this, they are looking for this workflow in the
>> welcoming arms of your competitors.
>> The amount of money this may end up costing Autodesk in the not too
>> distant future will most likely dwarf the amount of money it would have
>> taken to just keep Softimage going.
>> I didn't go to business school, but even I can see this isn't a great way
>> to run a business.
>> So, after this long email (that I actually edited believe it or not).
>> where do I stand?
>> Well, I want to ask you to reconsider your company's decision.
>> This cannot be an easy matter, and I am sure I don't know all the legal
>> and financial problems this may create.
>> But in a naive, passionate, and yes, tearful, way, I want to ask you:
>> Please bring back Softimage.
>> Please keep this software we all love going.
>> Please just keep it alive in the most basic way.
>> Keep fixing bugs, keep updating the support for graphics drivers, keep
>> updating the SDK to allow the large
>> community of developers to continue to enhance it.
>> Please do this for us, the people who put their faith, their financial
>> dependence, in the software
>> that your company owns.
>> Thank you for your time.
>> Sincerely,
>> Perry Harovas


Perry Harovas
Animation and Visual Effects

http://www.TheAfterImage.com <http://www.theafterimage.com/>

-24 years experience
-Co-Author of "Mastering
-Member of the Visual Effects Society

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