Hi Chris, I've had to ignore the list for the last week for personal
reasons, so apologies if this has been mentioned somewhere across the
myriad threads...

I keep hearing yourself, Maurice, Graham, and everyone else from Autodesk
who have stuck their heads above the parapet continuously mention movies
and games, movies and games, movies and games (I've quoted the last
paragraph from you mail below).  It's always been my impression that most
of the people on the list, and users of Softimage in general, are working
in *broadcast and commercials*.  Without wanting to step out of line, it
seems to me to be the crux of your problem here and why you find yourselves
having to swim so hard against this raging tide of discontent and abuse.

In terms of creating broadcast and commercial graphics with it's associated
constraints and problems, I think I speak for a lot of people here in
saying we feel we already have the tool that we want and need (minus the
continued feature updates and bugfixes we were already expecting before you
dropped the bomb on us).  Neither Maya or Max fit that bill as cleanly.

Much akin to Brad's reference to bullet-point driven decision making, I
think you have a large chunk of users here representing a square-peg which
feel you are relentlessly trying to bash them through a round hole.

Just an observation, and again, apologies if this has been mentioned
previously, it's hard to keep track coming in cold after my break...


On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 3:37 PM, Chris Vienneau <chris.vienn...@autodesk.com
> wrote:

> First and foremost everyone who works at Autodesk in the M&E division
> including the people who used to work at Soft (there are way more than have
> left) love the film and games industry and the chance to be a part of it.
> The decision with Soft was a hard one but we back it so we can focus on
> helping the ecosystem make better movies and games. Innovation comes from
> the synergies of all these products, platforms, hardware and your talent
> and putting that on any one tool or company does not capture what is still
> a vibrant passionate community. The business model right now sucks and
> things need to change but there is still a bright future ahead and many
> problems left to solve.
> cv/

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