You must be joking!!!


Jordi Bares

On 20 Mar 2014, at 16:59, David Gallagher <> wrote:

> Exactly. For example, in Maya there is no object to cluster constraint, so 
> you have to use a 3rd party tool Rivet to attach things to geometry. But if 
> you need to apply a Smooth to render it in the Maya renderer, it explodes.
> So, don't use the Maya renderer, or...
> You can use djRivet, which uses follicles intead of edges, but which relies 
> on.... UV's being present.
> Works great.. until you change the UVs in any way.
> Not really a non-linear workflow. It's more like a circular workflow.
> On 3/20/2014 10:22 AM, Adam Sale wrote:
>> Something I have found in the last couple weeks, which I personally find 
>> mind numbing is how tied to UVs some tools are.
>> Hair work... try and groom something, and then realize you need to tweak 
>> your UVs. Gotta start over 
>> Painting weights. Gotta have UV's to do smoothing.  - Edit the Uv's.. start 
>> over. 
>> On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 9:02 AM, Mirko Jankovic <> 
>> wrote:
>> but why scripting is new artist tool!
>> REAL artist model in full screen text editor! who needs viewport at all
>> start notepad, and begin typing coordinates for each vertex...
>> that is how REAL hardcore stuff is done.
>> buttons are for p.......
>> On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 4:34 PM, Morten Bartholdy <> 
>> wrote:
>> +1
>> IMHO scripting is for making crappy software work at all (Maya) and for 
>> creating something special with good software that has buttons for all the 
>> ordinary stuff (XSI).
>> I simply don't have time to learn scripting, not least because my mind 
>> doesn't lend itself to that kind of thinking and remembering syntax etc. My 
>> time is better spent figuring out how to do great stuff with ICE. The only 
>> scripting I do is some half arsed copy pasting from the script editor to 
>> facilitate unified pass setups across multiple shots and similar stuff on 
>> that level. That I can do :)
>> Morten
>> Den 20. marts 2014 kl. 13:42 skrev Greg Punchatz <>: 
>> "Just learn to script"
>> It's not that easy for every one... 
>> My brain simply does not work that way, I would rather keep polishing my art 
>> skills and learn all the amazing new painting tools  than learn to script. 
>> Being person with dyslexia makes its more than a bit difficult for me to 
>> jump on the scripting train.
>> All this talk of the reality of the need for constant scripting as part of 
>> your daily work flows in Maya makes me literally sick to my stomach....  
>> Sent from my iPhone

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