There is this:

On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 9:30 AM, Tim Crowson
<> wrote:
> And no this isn't the only place I'm asking this :-)
> I'm getting into the Maya API and I need to port some of our tools over from
> Soft. Google gives me all kinds of interesting links, but I'm curious to
> know from people here who have done dev work for both Soft and Maya (there's
> so many of you, I know right?) if you can recommend resources for learning
> how to create a proper Python-based plugin in Maya. Basically, what's the
> equivalent to the XSI Addon or the self-installing plugin? Stuff like that.
> I think I can figure out the deployment side of things. I'm just wondering
> what's required for a Python plugin to be a python plugin in Maya. Would be
> nice to have Ye Olde SDK Wizarde around....
> And on another note....
> I know this isn't a Maya list.... but since I'm here and you've read this
> far... here's something on the weird chance you might know... I've been
> messing around in Maya 2015 with my to have a custom menu pop
> up in the menu bar at launch. But the file seems get run prior
> to the Maya Window being initialized, so it fails to add my menu because it
> can't get the main window to which it needs to add the menu. The main window
> is simply returned as a NoneType object. The function looks something like
> this...
> def buildMenu():
>     ptr = mui.MQtUtil.mainWindow()  # at launch this returns None?
>     mayaWindow = shiboken.wrapInstance(long(ptr), QtGui.QWidget)
>     mainMenu ='MyMenu', p=mayaWindow, l='My Menu')
>     cmds.menuItem(p=mainMenu, d=True, dl='Some Divider')
>     cmds.menuItem(p=mainMenu, l='Some Tool')
> The error comes from wrapInstance(long(ptr)), because ptr is being returned
> as None.
> Anyway, on the off-chance...
> --
> Tim Crowson
> Lead CG Artist
> Magnetic Dreams, Inc.
> 2525 Lebanon Pike, Bldg C, Suite 101, Nashville, TN 37214
> Ph  615.885.6801 | Fax  615.889.4768 |

Best regards,
Ben Houston
Voice: 613-762-4113 Skype: ben.exocortex Twitter: @exocortexcom - Professional-Grade WebGL-based 3D Content Creation

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