just speculating here...
is there a film shift (tilt shift) or film offset setting in the mix?
that could be off if everything else is spot on

my 2 cents

> On 12 Jun 2014, at 18:16, Andre Zazzera <andyzazzera...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey all,
> In an effort to start transitioning over to Maya, *sigh*, we've been doing 
> look dev on our current project in Softimage 2013 with the intent to render 
> in Maya.   We got approval on the stereo from client based on our Softimage 
> animation, but now we're having a big discrepancy between the stereo renders 
> in Softimage and the stereo in Maya - Maya has a biiig shift in the depth of 
> the renders and it looks like a massive difference in the camera interaxial.
> But we're measuring, and all the distances from camera to camera and camera 
> to subject are exactly the same in Maya as they are in Softimage, and all the 
> camera settings are the same.
> So we opened the scene in Softimage 2015 and exported to Maya from there, and 
> then they match each other. Great!  But here's the thing - we checked and the 
> renders from Softimage 2015 don't match the renders from Softimage 2013. So 
> we tried in 2014, and those match the originals from 2013.   
> Did something change between 2014 and 2015 in the way Softimage stereo 
> cameras work?  
> For the moment we're just trying to eyeball the cameras to try and get 
> something that matches the approved shot, but something just isn't making 
> sense.   I don't understand how cameras in the same place in space could 
> yield different results.
> Do you guys have any insight?
> Thanks!
> Andy

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