From the Mudbox press release,
"we plan to accelerate the pace of Mudbox innovation."

On 06/25/14 11:25, Emilio Hernandez wrote:
I just recieved this from Shotgun support:

First, Shotgun is not going away. We will continue to operate under the Shotgun brand with the same team and same style. Our website, forums, support site and team all stay in place. Second, we’re not going to slow down. We are scaling immediately to 2X our current team size and 3X development resources -- to go faster. Third, I’ll keep working for you as hard as I can as the leader of our larger team. The Shotgun crew you know and love are right here with me, and we’ll be joined by some excellent engineering talent. Pricing, maintenance, and licensing aren’t changing. And yes, Shotgun will continue to develop and support third party tools from The Foundry, Side Effects, Adobe, Autodesk and more (even faster).

We’re making this move because we believe it’s the best possible thing we can do for you, our clients, and the fastest way to achieve our vision of a standardized, highly productive production and collaboration platform.

The future is bright....  Again???

Where do I have heard this story....

Emilio Hernández   VFX & 3D animation.

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