I know, that's why it seemed odd. Seriously though, is that a legit ad?
On 6/27/2014 9:04 AM, Eric Thivierge wrote:
No, that seems awfully typical.
On Friday, June 27, 2014 10:03:46 AM, Tim Crowson wrote:
That sounds awfully deliberate. :-D
On 6/27/2014 8:54 AM, Stephen Davidson wrote:
I just thought I would post this freelance 3D animation Job, from
for our professional animation group's ammusement.
I sure gave me a good laugh....
Best Regards,
* Stephen P. Davidson**
**(954) 552-7956
* sdavid...@3danimationmagic.com
/Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic/
- Arthur C. Clarke