Thank you Alok, sounds great and I will take a look at it, although for some 
reason the Filter Array link you posted isn't working, could it be dead? I'm 
also unsure where to place the dll file, do I just place it in the 
C:\Users...Autodesk\Softimage_2015\Application\Plugins directory? 
I don't suppose anyone else has managed to have a look at the problem? Even 
with these nodes I think I would struggle to work this out without using some 
kind of repeat node. My mastery of array sets just isn't that great.

Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 23:31:38 +0530
Subject: Re: Strand / Array manipulation puzzle

Hi Tim,
Not sure if this helps your case, but I posted a few complied array nodes on 
the list in these threads:

On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 3:36 PM, Tim Bolland <> wrote:


Hi everyone, I have a little puzzle I'm hoping someone can help me with. I'll 
start off with what I'm trying to achieve, followed by how I'm trying to do it 
and where I'm getting stuck. That way if you think my approach is crazy and I 
need to be slapped with a logic stick then you can let me know!

I'm looking to blend between a bunch of objects that start close together but 
will pull apart, as they pull apart we see that there are loads strands between 
them, and that large parts of what we thought was solid was actually made of 

Because there will be a few objects I will need a robust system that lets me 
define the direction the fibers 'flow'). Curves seems a good choice here 

- As a simplified test I took two grids and extracted curves from the edges (I 
can later extract curves from more complex shapes). 

- I emit points evenly along one of the curves and query the curve(s) nearby. 

- I then create what are essentially strands between them, although I'm only 
concerned about the point positions of these 'strands'.

- I then generate stands flowing in the direction of the curve between each the 
previous strands, either blending linearly or using a bezier curve 
interperlation. (see picture to see what I mean)

It's this final step I'm getting stuck with, If I take these strand positions 
and feed them into a fit bezier curve then a I end up flowing the wrong 
direction i.e along the original strand.  It appears I need to do some serious 
array wrangling to get the position array in the form I need. As you can see 
from one of the pictures I managed to get it sort of working using a select in 
array node, but I'm having to manually build this array from scratch for the 
stand positions to join completely. Ideally I would do this without a repeat 

My explanation here is probably very bad, so check out the images to get an 
idea of what I'm doing.  This might also be useful to see where some of my 
inspiration came from:





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