Hi, sorry in a frill of excitement, this is the actual announcement :]

The 2.01 PRO update came out.

New features include:
  • Skin Smooth option improved
  • New Skin Cage tool implemented
  • Skin Weighting compound removed (integrated into the Skinning compound)
  • Opportunities on work with the Shape Key animation expanded

On 09/19/14 18:55, Jason S wrote:


www.si-community.com •  VorleX Muscle System
Hi, there!

Let me introduce the VorleX Muscle System Trial 1.0 Essentials.

Download VorleX Muscle System Trial 1.0 Essentials

Version Info:
1.0 (Essentials) - contains a complete set of basic tools for effective full-body muscle rig setup.

The system is far superior to other similar products.

The features and functions:

  - Simple construction
  - Classic control by means of 3 nulls
  - Easy setup
  - Incredible performance
  - Realistic optimized dynamics
  - The ability of symmetric duplication
  - Unique skinning algorithm
  - Skin sliding effect

Note: To feel freely in work with the Muscle System, we encourage you to carefully review the supplied Quick Start tutorial.

Group on Vimeo


On 09/17/14 18:03, Sebastien Sterling wrote:
Depends how usable they are, i've seen people run a mile not to have to use max's out of the box solution. that was before CAT got implemented, Hey! more third party freeware available forever implemented as a new feature that is doubtless left out of the "Light" or student versions :)

On 17 September 2014 22:37, Sven Constable <sixsi_l...@imagefront.de> wrote:

I'm pretty sure this can be done with 3dsmax or maya out of the box much more easily and in a far more professional way. Because they are the topmost 3d packages available and therefore they *must* be the most sophisticated ones! With maya that could be surely achived with bifröst!

/sarcasm off


Today a collegue told me something really astonishing: Someone wrote him a script for use inside of 3dsmax. This script allowed him to change parameters on several objects at once! He was so amazed…




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