Unless I missunderstood (?), the only way to access SI 2015 (if not on sub)...

Ultimate Entertainment Creation Suite

Buy $ 6825  (more like 7k)

or if already specifically purchased the UECS .. (which I hardly think would the case )

Upgrade $ 4780

Any of which is just not reasonable if you have SI ...2012/2013/2014 and would like to update to the latest (last) 2015 version

On Friday, October 24, 2014 13:57:54, Luc-Eric Rousseau wrote:
Sorry, 6k+ to upgrade from what product to what product?

On Oct 24, 2014 1:07 PM, "Jason S" <jasonsta...@gmail.com
<mailto:jasonsta...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hi, my apologies, but that can hardly be seen a viable option for
    anyone looking to get to the latest SI (while not being on sub),
    as we are talking about 6k+ only to update to the latest version
    (of a non-(internally)-developed product)

    We were refferring to Mudbox when taking about Send-to,
    but while Mudbox is also no longer being developped, it's still
    very much available (and also still very useful)

    I realize it may not be up-to you, but perhaps is there also a
    little known secret? :)

    Would it perhaps be possible to get on sub to get access?

    Nevertheles, thanks for your feedback!

    On 10/24/14 11:55, Jill Ramsay (Contractor) wrote:

        Hi guys,
        Here's the scoop. You cannot get Softimage 2015 anymore unless
        you are on subs. But you CAN either buy or get upgrades to the
        Softimage + Maya 2015 bundle or Softimage + Max 2015 bundle.
        Upgrades are only available into Feb 1, 2015 (this is
        unrelated to the Softimage EOL, it is for all products). The
        bundles are available for purchase for a further year. You do
        not need to be on subs to do that, however if you are not on
        subs you do not get previous version usage rights (no change

        Hope that helps.
        Please refer to the FAQ for any further questions, or talk to
        your reseller, or email jill.ramsay[AT]autodesk.com



        -----Original Message-----
        From: softimage-bounces@listproc.__autodesk.com
        <mailto:softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com>] On Behalf Of
        Jason S
        Sent: October-23-14 5:32 PM
        To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.__com
        Subject: Re: Stand-Alone to Network license?

        Also for the 2015 to be somewhat more common than, or not
        exclusive to a bunch of subscribers.

        Actually I wish you could just sell Softimage 2015 (+ SP's) as
        it is.
        No support, .. and even if only available to Softimage users,
        say people on this list  + current SI-Community Users.
        (If too afraid of making too many sales)

        Why such tight limits?

        On Thursday, October 23, 2014 16:53:38, Jason S wrote:

            IMHO,  I think it would more than reasonable for (at least)
            non-immediately migrating Softimage customers to have
            access to the
            latest version,  to be able to purchase  (at least) the
            same amount of
            existing licences. (-/allowing/- to -replace-/update to
            last one)

            (Hoping there's even at-all an (internal) channel to
            request/plead for
            such things...)

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