Hi Matt,

Very in depth explanation. Thanks a lot.

I will see if I can process this tomorrow morning and get it to work. :)

Cheers again

Daniel Sweeney
3D Creative Director

*Mobile:* +44 (0)7743429771
*Email:* dan...@northforge.co.uk
*Web:* http://northforge.co.uk

On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 3:59 PM, Matt Lind <speye...@hotmail.com> wrote:

>   A list is a 1-dimensional array.  A combo box is a list of label/value
> pairs using a 1-dimensional array to mimic a 2-dimensional array.  the
> _DefineLayout() callback is defined as such:
> def ComboTest_DefineLayout( in_ctxt ):
>     oLayout = in_ctxt.Source
>     oLayout.Clear()
>     oLayout.AddEnumControl("List", ("chocolate", 0, "vanilla", 1,
> "strawberry", 2), "Flavor", constants.siControlCombo )
>     oLayout.AddButton("Update")
>     return true
> If we make some simple visual adjustments to how we write our code, it can
> give us some basic insight how it works:
>     list aComboBoxItems = (
>         "chocolate",  0,
>         "vanilla",    1,
>         "strawberry", 2
>     );
>     oLayout.AddEnumControl( "List", aComboBoxItems, "Flavor",
> constants.siControlCombo );
> By putting each label/value pair on it’s own line, I visually make the
> intended associations.  when the list populates the combo box in the PPG,
> the PPG shows the label in the menu, but when you change the parameter or
> request the parameter’s value, you’ll receive the associated numeric
> value.  for example, if you choose “vanilla” in the PPG, querying the
> parameter will return the value of 1.  conversely, if you want a script to
> update the PPG and display “strawberry” in the menu, you must assign the
> value of 2 to the parameter (eg; CustomProperty.Parameters( “List” ).value
> = 2).
> If we strip away the cosmetics and look at the underlying structure, the
> list is a set of indices:
>     # rewriting the list replacing the label/value pairs with their
> respective indices:
>     list aComboBoxItems = [
>         0, 1,
>         2, 3,
>         4, 5
>     ];
> When the PPG is displayed, the menu only shows the even numbered indices
> in the combo box.  When you request the value or modify the value of the
> parameter, you only have access to the odd numbered indices.  To answer
> your own question, if you want the label portion of the current combo box
> item, you must extract the list and pull the even numbered index associated
> with the value.
> example:
>     CustomProperty = PPG.Inspected.Item(0);
>     oParameter     = oCustomProperty.Parameters( "List" );
>     oPPGLayout     = CustomProperty.PPGLayout;
>     oPPGItem       = oPPGLayout.Item( "List" );
>     aComboBoxItems = oPPGItem.UIItems;
>         # assumes ‘value’ in the label/value pair is numbered in
> ascending order from 0.
>         LabelIndex = ( oParameter.Value * 2 ) – 1;
>     Label      = aComboBoxItems[ LabelIndex ];
>     LogMessage( "Label: " + Label, constants.siComment );
> Alternately, if you have no use for the value being a number, you can make
> it a string with whatever you’d prefer to pass on to your render script.
> for example:
>     list aComboBoxItems = (
>         "chocolate",  "Chocolate",
>         "vanilla",    "Vanilla",
>         "strawberry", "Strawberry"
>     );
>     oLayout.AddEnumControl( "List", aComboBoxItems, "Flavor",
> constants.siControlCombo );
> This, of course, precludes you from using the simple algorithm in the
> previous example to extract the label portion of the combo box item.  In
> which case, you’ll need to traverse the odd numbered items in the list
> until you find your desired value, then backup one index to get the
> associated label.
> I’ve always found it good form to make your code visually tidy and neat as
> it serves a few practical purposes:
>     - easier to read
>     - can make code easier to understand
>     - makes inconsistencies easy to spot (ie; bugs and syntax errors)
> Matt
> Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2014 12:52:28 +0000
> From: Daniel Sweeney <dan...@northforge.co.uk>
> Subject: Pulling a PPG combo box name into a Render token path - Help
> please.
> To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
> Message-ID:
> <CAH98=h4NXxEy479DTtWRUL=YxC8czgMgpdAW3Xr15=6kige...@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hi List,
> First off I am no way a scripter. been trying to get this to work but
> cannot.
> So I have some code to make a PPG with a combo box from stephen blair.
> http://xsisupport.com/2011/01/10/updating-a-combo-box-from-an-onclicked-callback/
> now all I want to do is pull the Lable of the combo box into the render
> path via
> [Value] token
> when I pull in the combo box with [Value ComboTest.list] all it pulls in is
> the array value.
> is there anyone that can help with this?
> Cheers.
> Daniel

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