Does it really have to close ? Is this about money for the website ?

Le 02/02/2015 10:39, Jon Hunt a écrit :
This is sad times,

A big thanks to the Softimage Creatives Team. I always left these event either inspired, informed, half cut or well networked. Truth be told it usually would be all of these! Its a shame I got to only meet a few of you Softies and if the community should arise in a different from and some spare hands/help/supoort is needed then give us a hola.

Thanks again,


On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 8:27 AM, Laurence Dodd < <>> wrote:

    Denial is getting much harder these days.
    Thanks guys.

    On 2 February 2015 at 01:27, Jason S <
    <>> wrote:

        I would rather identify Softimage related declines as
        "Bullshit days".

        On 02/01/15 18:49, Matt Morris wrote:

        Man I loved the atmosphere of that first meeting! Ok we had
        some sound troubles, but the enthusiasm and just the sheer
        amount of people there made it feel like SI still had a
        future. Thanks for the good times Andy and everyone there!

        On Sunday, 1 February 2015, Jacob Gonzalez
        < <>> wrote:

            sad indeed!!

            it was certainly great stuff what you guys put together
            with SIC!!


            On Sunday, 1 February 2015,
            <> wrote:

                 One last tribute as our web hosting is about to run


                A huge thanks to all of you who supported us.


-- <>

    Laurence Dodd
    Porkpie Animation

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