Yes, scaling on the parent object affects the results. It appears the merge operator ignores scale of the input objects, while my code reapplies the global transform of the parent object to the resulting merge to preserve rotation, translation, etc...

I had a version of the script written to account for some of those details by manually re-computing the point positions, but it started to get a bit complicated as I would have to support a bunch of other stuff as well and I didn't have time to dive into the problem at that level.


Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2015 14:07:52 +0000
From: Jeff McFall <>
Subject: RE: merge parent and children through scripting?
To: ""

Awesome! - thanks so much, Matt
This worked like a charm. Somehow each of the objects came out half size, (maybe I had some odd scaling in the hierarchy? ) but that was a very easy fix and this problem is solved. 3500 button clicks reduced to about 10.

The hardest part of moving away from Soft for me will be leaving all the help and insight I get from this list. I am more a designer than technical artist but I do love my ICE. The help I get from this list really raises my abilities especially in the technical areas. I just wish I could offer more in return for all I have received from everyone here.


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