Great stuff! I will definetly update my emfluid4 license to v5 when its out
of beta. I kickass renderer you developed there, Eric. 



[] On Behalf Of Oliver
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2015 8:09 PM
Subject: News from mootzoid: updates and stuff (Softimage)


Hello there!

Eric entitled me to post this here ;)

Some updates...and emFluid5 open beta!

Updates (Softimage):

New versions of emFlock2 <> ,
emNewton2 <>  and emRPC4
<>  are available.
The multithreading has been revised and things simulate/render a bit faster
than before.

A new version of emTools <>  is
available with the following main new features: 

*       new compounds "Image Reader/Writer" and "Create Particles from
Image" (*).
*       new compound "Liquid Particle Killer" (including a demo scene).
*       new compound "Calculate Normals from Positions".
*       new compound "Per Point to Per Node Color".
*       new compound "Get XSI Home Path".
*       a few bug fixes.

(*) the development of the ICE/image tools was sponsored by Oliver "mister
si-community" Weingarten a.k.a. "owei" .
Many thanks for the support, owei!

Note: if you are working with Softimage 2015 or Softimage 2015 SP1 then you
should definitely update the addons to benefit from a bug fix in the
Softimage ICE SDK!

emFluid5 beta (Softimage):

As of today, anybody can download and try the beta of emFluid5 for
Real volumes for Softimage, yay!

The addon, a few demo scenes and links to tutorials can all be found on the
emFluid5 web page <>  (scroll down to
see the links to the tutorials).
The emFluid5 documentation
<>  is,
ahem, a bit lean, but if you want to dive deeper into emFluid5 and need some
support then let me know and I will sign you up to the Mootzoid beta list
(i.e. a private Google group) where you can get help from experienced
emFluid5 users who have been using the beta for several years.
Finally, if you are interested in purchasing or upgrading to the new emFluid
version, please get back to me via email.

RLM (Reprise License Manager):

Last but not least there is a new version of the license manager available.
It is recommended to update your license manager to the new version, because
all the above updates will only work properly with the newest RLM.
RLM for Windows 64 bit
RLM for Mac OS X 64 bit
RLM for Linux 64 bit

Hope you like it!


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