Dear Graham

Thank you for all you have been able to do , both here, on places like 
si-community and via email.

Where ever you end up I hope its at least free of Adobe installers ;)

Kind regards



From: Graham Bell []
Sent: 13 May 2015 12:59 AM
Subject: End of the ride

I hadn't wanted to make any kind of announcement, but reading Stephens latest 
Flashback thread and the discussions on where peoples journey with Softimage 
first started, it's kinda made me realise that mine has basically ended.
And as I'm posting here, I didn't want to fly under false colours, so to speak.

As of the start of this month, I'm no longer at Autodesk, The bloodline of 
european Softimage AE's from Ben, Chinny, and James, to myself has now ended.

Perhaps it's time to start earning an honest living again. lol :-)

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