Hi guys,

I would like to share the BOm Particle Rule of Thirds compound. A simple
approach to camera rule of thirds using ICE particles.
Thanks to Andy Moorer for sharing your Example – Camera Planes and
Projections in ICE: http://andy.moonbase.net/archives/1117

How to use it:

Create an empty pointcloud / create an unsimulated Ice Tree /  drag your
camera to Ice Tree / connect to BOm Particle Rule of Thirds compound.

Tip: you may want to change the thickness of the lines.  For this, change
Point Size (pixels) in pointcloud Particle Display.

 BOm Particle Rule of Thirds.1.1.xsicompound

Cristiano Policarpo

BaloOm Animation Studios | www.baloom.co
PoustEx Short Film | www.poustex.com
[image: BaloOm Animation Studios]


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