Thanks Gustavo and Cesar,

seems you agree that scripting is the way to go – at least as far as getting 
data from file into ICE.
that’s way above my head for the time I’ll have to sort this out – so I might 
end up copy pasting data from the text file.

I’ve been playing a bit with string manipulation in ICE – for now just typing a 
string myself in ICE and then trying to filter the data I need out of that. 
It’s not easy ( trying to wrap my head around strings in ICE) but I’m getting 
there – and so far it’s quite fast.
I’m first dumping everything in one long string (hm, I’ll have to scale my data 
1000 fold – so I’m worried this will become a problem) – and using a special 
character to split into an array, and each frame I’ll access one element of the 
array – from which I extract the data.
encapsulating the data I want with a dedicated character before and after seems 
to be the easiest way to get at it in ICE. (I can specify to a degree how the 
data will be delivered to me – lucky me)
Converting from string to scalar is a bit tricky I’m finding, but I think I’ll 
just sort it out for integers – which should be enough for my needs.

I was hoping to drive some custom parameters from ICE, and viewing them in a 
viewport slate – but it seems the refresh is hindered by gremlins.

Anyways – I have a prototype for the most tedious part that I wanted to 
automate – so hopefully it scales well once I give it actual data.

From: Cesar Saez 
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2015 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: ICE - text file & string manipulation

I would parse the file and generate an icecache by scripting, so you can move 
the data easily through different ICETrees/scenes.

Maybe some of this might is still be relevant (shameless plug)


On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 5:48 AM, Gustavo Eggert Boehs <> 

  I guess you would have to do what you need via scripting, and then store 
custom atributes you can read in ICE. I dont get exactly what your 'value' 
stands for.
  If you can tolerate just assinging particles to polygon islands, there are 
existing tools for that: But you 
would have to tolerate some unwanted behaviours in letters there are composed 
by more then one island... like the letter "i".

  Best regards,

  Gustavo E Boehs
  Dpto. de Expressão Gráfica | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina |

  2015-11-10 10:51 GMT-02:00 <>:

    Hi all,
    I would need to read in a text file, and extract it's information into ICE,

    for example:
    ABCD DDBB BCCA ABCD   'value': 4.0
    CCDBA AABBD CCCAB 'value' : 456
    ABC CDA ABB CBB 'value' : 0.345

    I would want to assign letters to an array of particles that adapts to the 
what's in the text,
    line 1 would be the situation for frame 1, line 2 situation for frame 2 and 
so on.
    and recover 'value' as a scalar

    I haven’t started digging yet, it’s probably a case of rtfm, so no offense 
if you point that out to me :-).

    I have some clues about how to do this in scripting, but not at all in ICE.
    how to access a text file in ICE (ideally - if needed I could paste the 
contents of the text file into a custom property or a comment) , how to find 
and filter stuff, strip the part I need, converting the string into scalars -

    if anyone has any pointers on where to start and read up, or any gotcha's - 
it would be much appreciated.

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