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Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2016 00:50:08 -0500
Subject: Stepped curves a´la Maya in Softimage?

Hello, one feature I haven´t really find out how to simulate in Softimage from 
Maya´s animation graph is the "stepped curves" feature which works like this:
I "key" a pose for the etire character on frame 10 and I go to frame 20 and 
create another (new) pose for the character. So, Maya automatically creates a 
"previous" key pose copy (from frame 10) onto frame 19, that way it "holds" the 
pose and you don´t have to worry to create a clone or a huge copy/paste from 
the previous "posed" position of the character.
Something like this:
Watch first minute or from minute 2 onwards.

So, big question here: Is there an "automated" way to do this on softimage? 
anyone knows about a plugin?
Zinkia´s Pocoyo is animated in softimage such way, I believe they did created 
an addon that does this automatic pre-pose keying when a new key lands on the 
animation editor, making a stepped curve-approach animation workable in every 
aspect. :)

Please help if you have a workflow recommendation / script for this.
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