Oh, nobody wants an Autodesk guy moderating an XSI list, this is just
something the list got stuck with :P
I'm not aware of the list being at risk of going away, however nothing can
last forever. I cannot help you with moving the users elsewhere, the list
of subscribers is protected by the customer data privacy policy.  I haven't
blocked people plugging their houdini things, I won't block anyone plugging
their alternate mailing list as long as it's not annoying spam.

On 3 February 2016 at 19:27, Jason S <jasonsta...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 02/03/16 4:36, Leendert A. Hartog wrote:
> @Jason - Thanks for the compliment!
> If and when the need were to arise, I would certainly consider it, but not
> as a sole moderator.
> Cool! :)
> Otherwise perhaps Luc-Eric(?) would also (continue to)  be up to the
> challenge?

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