still using soft, still lurking (and posting occasionally!!)


our problem is a double edged one;


more people moving to other software, and no new blood, means less available
freelancers (yes i got your mails, will be in touch when stuff shows up!)


but more importantly, having spoken to a few seasoned maya vets, we simply
CANNOT do the kind of low end TV 3D graphics we currently can with maya

we often only have a day or two to do a shot for a tv doc, think about that
for a minute, that's often modelling, light, rig, render and a couple of
hours for comp


budgets are only getting smaller, so the time allowed for a sequence goes
down, but no app (other than soft) that i am aware of enables this kind of
fast turn around


and before anyone points out that low end tv work is a niche circumstance,
this will spread, i know commercials budgets aren't what they were


bottom line, as an industry, up against shrinking budgets/deadlines, we
simply can't use an app that throws up road blocks to your workflow every 3
clicks of the mouse



/end rant



[] On Behalf Of Jordi Bares
Sent: 05 February 2016 09:44
Subject: Re: Goodbyes (was this is the end...)


I confess I still look and participate, still use Softimage now at
Glassworks and keep loving it but I also must confess I prefer Houdini for
some tasks not related to FX.


I wish Maya was up to speed with Softimage but it is not so it will have to







On 5 Feb 2016, at 09:22, Laurence Dodd <> wrote:


Lurking away, and too busy using Soft daily to start with Maya (ugh!), but I
suppose I'll have to learn something sometime.


On 5 February 2016 at 08:29, Juan Brockhaus <> wrote:

also still lurking here.

and still using Softimage. :-)

but also using Maya for some animation/setup and also looking into Houdini

but still can't beat ease of ICE, passes, partitions combined with Redshift




On Fri, Feb 5, 2016 at 2:16 AM, Andre De Angelis <>

Me too, even though I left the industry 4 years ago.  I still love the app
and the community.


I guess I'm still in denial that it's all coming to an end.  I might well be
the last person to unsubscribe to the list.

On 5 Feb 2016, at 11:41 AM, Martin Contel <> wrote:

I'm one of those still lurking around... :)

Martin Contel

CG Supervisor
Square Enix (Visual Works Division)


On Fri, Feb 5, 2016 at 9:12 AM, Jason S <> wrote:

I think everyone here can get an impression of the active members, and there
is also good portion of readers that only lurk the background.

The foremost google groups page itself shows between 10 and 150 thread
views, perhaps I'm missing something, but surprisingly just about the same
amount of views as the CGTalk Maya forum for example, and that doesn't count
people viewing though email.


On 02/04/16 14:32, Luc-Eric Rousseau wrote:

There is about 950 members, but unfortunately that includes tons of
people with invalid email addresses. I don't know how to extract the
active members, and there are also people that I know are subscribed
but don't read.

On 4 February 2016 at 14:15, Stephen Blair <> wrote:

1314 according to!aboutgroup/xsi_list

On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 1:43 PM, Leendert A. Hartog <>

@Luc-Eric - Out of curiosity: can you tell me how many people are
subscribed to this mailing list currently?

AKA Hirazi Blue
Softimage hobbyist, admin at <>  & <> 






Laurence Dodd
Porkpie Animation

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