It's possible the message is coming up with other types memory
allocations as well, for example a big weight maps or other big
Check if it's a a really big number. It's in bytes, I think, so you
would device by 1024*1024 to get a number in megs.
if the original number is greater than 2 bilions bytes, it would
likely be a bug somewhere.

On 22 February 2016 at 10:37, Matt Morris <> wrote:
> That's exactly the error message I'm getting, though I don't think I have
> any images loaded - all my viewports are wireframe or shaded, and the
> textures that are linked on the character are not linked up (remote job,
> only have the model).
> On 22 February 2016 at 15:32, Luc-Eric Rousseau <> wrote:
>> The image library has a message that says "Cannot allocate xx bytes of
>> contiguous memory"
>> This might happen if you are using a lot of very large images.
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