No, no you're not mis-understanding. Probably me doing it wrong
I will try that too, thank you for making that clear :)
All that "thinking" is because I had this project

It's a bit complicate to describe in words.

To achieve the rotation per primitive  I had to define an axis and center
for each primitive.
The axis problem is solved.
The center position is half solved. I'd like it to be in the middle of the
edge (at the moment it's happening on the point Position)
I know I need to subtract vector P0 - P1 to find the middle position.
But, when I sort the array of Position (with Sort SOP) in Random mode it
can happen that P1 is no more next to P0, but somewhere far away.Causing
the middle of my edge being somewhere inside the polygon.

In vex I don't know how to tell Houdini pick the second index (index 1) in
"that" sorted array.

So I had that idea to try to rebuild it in VOP, using a similar Ice Build
arrayFromSet + Select in Array.

I have no idea if what I'm saying is clear :/

On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 5:13 PM, Christopher Crouzet <> wrote:

> Maybe I'm misunderstanding but if you already know which point you want an
> attribute value of, then why would you want to store the values for every
> point in an array? That'd be a lot of processing for nothing. No need to
> iterate with a for loop neither. In VOP there's the `Get Attribute VOP`
> node where you can specify a point/primitive/vertex number and retrieve an
> attribute from it.
> Cheers!
> On 2 March 2016 at 22:12, Olivier Jeannel <> wrote:
>> Thank you so much for your time, explanations and examples Christopher.
>> I'm taking those picture and will reproduce them :)
>> Well, I wanted an array because I need to see if I could be able to
>> retrieve the second element of an array (Ptnum =1 ) using  Get Element (I
>> guess).
>> On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 3:55 PM, Christopher Crouzet <
>>> wrote:
>>> Basically, arrays are a convenient structure to pass data around (and to
>>> potentially make your code more readable, which won't apply to VOP). If all
>>> you need is to perform a computation in place and directly use the result
>>> in your VOP graph, then iterating over your points is all it takes—no array
>>> needed.
>>> I don't know what what you're planning to do with that array of point
>>> positions but I've attached a screenshot with a simple example. It iterates
>>> over all the points, retrieve their position, and outputs the centre of
>>> mass. Note that it's better to run this specific example in “detail” mode
>>> to perform the computation only once, instead of once per point.
>>> On 2 March 2016 at 21:32, Olivier Jeannel <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Yes I saw it, sorry, I thought there was another additionnal method
>>>> with For Loop :
>>>> "Instead, you should be able to just loop over each point with a `For
>>>> Loop VOP` and do your computation directly in there"
>>>> Have I misunderstood ? You're doing a for-loop without building an
>>>> array in the end.
>>>> On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 3:26 PM, Christopher Crouzet <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I did attach a screenshot in my previous email, are you not seeing
>>>>> anything? Or are you asking for the H13 for loop?
>>>>> On 2 March 2016 at 21:20, Olivier Jeannel <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Aaaaah THANK YOU !
>>>>>> I'm "aware" of the PCOpen+PcFilter to gather infos based on distance.
>>>>>> I also use the PrimUV a bit and XYZ+PrimUV for location things.
>>>>>> I'd be curious on the For Loop Vop, if you have any pictures :/ Sorry
>>>>>> to ask.
>>>>>> It's a shame there's no tutorial or phylosophycal explanations of
>>>>>> these basic loops ... It's like if everybody was a natural born coder...
>>>>>> On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 3:13 PM, Christopher Crouzet <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> It seems like they've extended the support for arrays in H14, which
>>>>>>> makes it now possible to use them as geometry attributes. In the 
>>>>>>> previous
>>>>>>> versions I guess that there was no real point (but convenience) in 
>>>>>>> creating
>>>>>>> arrays in VOP since you couldn't pass them downstream with the geometry
>>>>>>> data.
>>>>>>> So if you're on H14+, it seems like you were on the right path? I've
>>>>>>> attached a working screenshot that stores every point position in a
>>>>>>> “output” vector array attribute.
>>>>>>> If like me you're stuck with H13, you probably don't need to store
>>>>>>> your point positions in an array at all. Instead, you should be able to
>>>>>>> just loop over each point with a `For Loop VOP` and do your computation
>>>>>>> directly in there. Now I've never used VOPs since I prefer writing 
>>>>>>> directly
>>>>>>> in VEX so I might be wrong :)
>>>>>>> Also don't forget to use point clouds if you're after
>>>>>>> distance-related queries.
>>>>>>> On 2 March 2016 at 19:29, Olivier Jeannel <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello serious list :)
>>>>>>>> I'm a bit confused with houdini vop array.
>>>>>>>> While I managed to do it in vex, I would like to make a build array
>>>>>>>> (like build array from set) of the pointposition (P) in VOP.
>>>>>>>> I understand you need to for-loop on each Ptnum and probably append
>>>>>>>> the P values and this will buid an array of P.
>>>>>>>> But you know what ? Well I can't manage to make it work.
>>>>>>>> I found no example on the net (sideFX, odforce).
>>>>>>>> The doc is just words, no schemes, no graphics.
>>>>>>>> The examples hips are bizarre, not so simple, and use the old loop
>>>>>>>> node.
>>>>>>>> So I'm wondering if someone from here could provide a screen shot
>>>>>>>> of how that should be connected ?
>>>>>>>> Thank you :)
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>>>>>>> Christopher Crouzet
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>>> Christopher Crouzet
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