‘on enter state’ executes once (on one frame only) when the particle changes to 
this state.
so rather plug it in the port ‘on every frame’ (or whatever it’s called) for 
continuing to evaluate the stick node. 

From: Pierre Schiller 
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 10:08 PM
Subject: Sticking particles over a cached cloth

Hello team. Good day. I am caching a syflex simulation (collitions and wind) 
for a simple grid.

On the second phase, that grid should emit simple spheres and those particles 
should stick to the grid while it´s deforming.

I used the stick to surface compound, making it evaluate <on enter state> from 
the ICE execute node. Simulation starts well, but just as soon as the cloth 
(grid) changes shape, all spheres, remain were they were originated. They only 
move  (and stay frozen) if the cloth touches them.

Maybe this is a simple question, but I´m going in circles, I don´t know where 
else to tweak to get the cached sim work with those spheres.

Please help.


David R.


Portfolio 2013

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Video Reel

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