So at the end AD just wanted devs and working business?



**Micic Srecko**  
**Mail:** [](  
**Skype**: srecko.micic  


On Apr 21 2016, at 2:39 pm, Luc-Eric Rousseau <>

> Oh my god, parents again?  Patents are worth nothing if you are not in the


> business of licensing patents, which Autodesk isn't in.  Where these
millions dollar


> patents exactly, and how is that worth 35 miliions?  Hiring dozens of people
in one


> shot plus a working business is worth millions, not some useless region dumb


> patent they never used.   Softimage`s I.P. was worth exactly zero.




> On 21 April 2016 at 01:30, Guy Rabiller
<[](> wrote:  


All until Autodesk came.  
Here is what happened in 2008:  
Then when Ronald Beirouti left (who created ICE), it was definitely the end of
ICE (and Softimage).  
Peoples still think Autodesk acquired Softimage from Avid for XSI or for the
developers team. It was all for the patents. The rest is "accessory".  
How many patents Solid Angle had ?  

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