Hum, Perhaps it's also a GPU thing.  Or perhaps it works, but when the mouse is released that a keyframe is created during playback? Or does it create consecutive keyframes -while- a slider is being dragged (without ever releasing mouse) ?

(would be awesome if so :-] )

On 05/16/16 18:59, Sven Constable wrote:

Here are screenshots of the prefs I'm using:



From: [] On Behalf Of Sven Constable
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 12:41 AM
Subject: RE: Autokey while playback


I did a few tests and changed most of the prefs in the playback option, playback preferences and global preferences back and forth  but it remains working. So, yes, autokey during playback works here (it creates keyframes for every parameter changed, no matter if its sliders or interactive transforms . I'm on SI2015 SP2. I have no idea why it should not work. Afaik it was always like that.



From: [] On Behalf Of Jason S
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 12:12 AM
Subject: Re: Autokey while playback


Hum! perhaps there is another pref that may affect it?

So it creates a key every frame while playback as you do transforms (or slider changes) ?

On 05/16/16 17:43, Sven Constable wrote:

Yes, autokey while playing works here. With transformations as well as other keyable parameters.



From: [] On Behalf Of Jason S
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 10:52 PM
Subject: Re: Autokey while playback



@Sven are you sure you got it working?  I may be wronng, but I don't think playback with transforms + autokey ever worked
(or was meant to work) to capture transform actions.

@toonafish   Sorry for not posting sooner, but this also should work for recording viewport actions;


On 05/16/16 13:25, toonafish wrote:

Strange, can’t get it to work. But I used the Device Input thingy instead, it needs a little more work to setup, but gets the job done.


Thanks, Sven



On 16 May 2016, at 15:36, Sven Constable <> wrote:


Works here in 2015. Make sure, the Autokey function is using 'on any value change' (Preferences/Animation)




From: [] On Behalf Of toonafish
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 1:51 PM
Subject: Autokey while playback


I remember it being possible to automatically set keyframes while playing the animation by simply enabling autokey and translating or rotating an object in the viewport. But no matter what I try, it no longer seems to work. I only get a keyframe at the beginning and end of playback.


Is it me, or is this feature broken in SI 2015 ?


Thanks, Ronald



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