for a hero shot, you could do something like this:
from the resulting simulation, emit a static trail of particles - mainly 
from the edge I think.
polygonise and flatten towards the surface (shrinkwrap) to make an almost 
flat pancake mesh.
You could do it as a texture as well, by prerendering the simulation as a 
mask (rendermap or camera projection) and then playing with it in comp to 
have a remaining trail (accumulative timewarp, edge filtering) - use that 
trail mask in the shader of the surface to make it look wet (lower diffuse + 
add reflection/spec + replace surface bump with bump of the water trail )
The trail can also be done with a simulated weightmap.
The specifics are fiddly - and no guarantees. But adding such an interaction 
between simulation and surface can certainly help step it up a notch.

-----Original Message----- 
From: Morten Bartholdy
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 11:43 AM
To: Userlist, Softimage
Subject: Water drop cling

I am simulating a drop of water falling onto and running off a surface. The 
client wants it to partially cling to the surface and dragging a trail of 
water on its way down, the way small scale water surface tension can do.

I can sort of get the basic simulation working with Lagoa, but would like to 
try adding some additional wateredge clinging to the surface, kind of look. 
I was thinking this could possibly done as a post sim ICE thing adding 
friction or attratction, but otherwise have no clue how to do it. Have any 
of you dealt with something like this and perhaps have some ideas or 
pointers to tools or techniques I could look into?


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