Forgot to mention: Played wavs: 8k, 16k, 32k, 44khz. All good in mono and
stereo. Aiff on 32khz and 18khz
and even the sounds from the Audio folder at factory location.
All of those , in turn, before the install; didn´t play at all on SI 2014
sp2. Definetly something corrupted
something of .dll on a workgroup and messed the audio. Deleted old
preferences, wiped out all temp folders,
did a clean reinstall. Solved.


On Sun, Apr 9, 2017 at 3:38 PM, Pierre Schiller <> wrote:

> I deleted everything related to SI 2014 on the Win registry.
> I deleted everything related to SI 2014, 2014 sp2 on C\users\blah blah....
> Deleted everything on TEMP/ (everywhere Temp folders were)
> Restarted the machine.
> Reinstalled SI 2014 sp2.
> Tested SI right out of the box, it PLAYED SOUND.
> Did installed each one of the workgroups, (one by one, restarting
> softimage),
> testing of course (every time) if it broke the sound or not.
> Did installed the render engines.
> Tested sound again, nothing broke.
> So plainly said: I was copying my old pref folder for each of those first
> 3 times reinstall.
> Which in turn *had* some bug at somepoint.
> So decided to wipe out clean the reg and folders, and take the pain of
> reinstalling each one
> of everything back....3h trot.
> It even fixed old bugs I had. Deng, pays to have separated folders for
> workgroups.
> Love SI tho´.
> Cheers.
> On Sun, Apr 9, 2017 at 9:56 AM, Orlando Esponda <
> > wrote:
>> Have you tried with a different audio format?  The most common ones are
>> wav and aiff, with sample rates of 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz
>> El abr. 6, 2017 10:42 PM, "Pierre Schiller" <
>>> escribió:
>>> Hello everyone. For the past 3 days I've been pulling my hair on this
>>> one: appearently I messed some preferences on SI and now I can't playback
>>> sound on SI 2014.
>>> I tried that weird glitch about win7 registry on low volume for
>>> softimage and there is nothing wrong with registry.
>>> I also try on/off checkbox "audio scrub playback". No results.
>>> I uninstalled SI 2014 and everything related to it. Restarted the
>>> machine and reinstalled SI 2014. No good.
>>> I also tried runonce.bat (mentioned I'm missing fbx.dll something) just
>>> kept going. restarted SI. Nothing.
>>> Ok so I am basically done with the obvious options... is there anything
>>> else I should check? the only latest thing I've installed is adobe flash
>>> update.
>>> SI2015 plays audio just fine right out of the box.
>>> Please help
>>> Thanks.
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> Portfolio 2013 <>
> Cinema & TV production
> Video Reel <>

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