... apart from the hope of some entirely new equally flexible as unfriendly *USER-FRIENDLY*  DCC,

Autocorrect :)

On 04/13/17 21:18, Jason S wrote:
I also don't mind the posts, apart from the hope of some entirely new equally flexible as unfriendly DCC,
to me Houdini represents the best hope for later.  
(later-later... for when SI would not run, or or for when Houdini would significantly revamp VOP, while hoping and pushing for the latter )

    maya is just too painful for a lot of things...

Indeed, it can also be a mouthful for a variety of things, notably for particles ...

Can anyone determine what the following describes just by looking at it?

    vector $n=unit(particleShape1.normal);
    vector $p=particleShape1.position;
    vector $v=particleShape1.velocity;
    vector $u=unit($v);
    float $m=mag($v);
    vector $vn=dot($u,$n)*$n;
    vector $vt=$u-$vn;
    float $bias=0.25;
    float $conserve=0.96;

If we were looking at high-level nodes made of other nodes, made of other nodes...  for describing the same effect,
we could, simply by looking at the node graph.

Shouldn't we be way past describing effects in text editors by now?
Just a thought.

On 04/13/17 5:06, Juan Brockhaus wrote:
all cool.
keep on posting..  no time to look properly at the moment... but I bookmark the posts since planning to go houdini. maya is just too painful for a lot of things...
thanks so much.

On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 6:21 PM, Gerbrand Nel <nagv...@gmail.com> wrote:
keep em coming!!
I personally have been waiting for good character tutorials for more
than 2 years now.
The vex one will stay on ICE for now.(see what I did there)
I'm much more comfortable making pictures with pictures, rather than
pictures with words.
vops will have to do :)
On 2017/04/12 5:39 PM, Jonathan Moore wrote:
> I’ve noticed on both occasions that they’ve received around 100 downloads but having had no feedback I’m unsure as to whether I’m simply spamming the XSI list or whether they have any value to those of you that have made the move over to Houdini (or are still considering Houdini as a future option.
> I obviously don’t want to spam the list so it would be good to know if anybody finds the Houdini ‘hint’s & tips’ useful.
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